Chapter 9 - His Move

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Cassidy's pov:

I get up and get ready for the day, something feels different about today, like it's gonna be a good day.

When I get downstairs Conrad is in the best mood, I've seen him in all summer and he's making breakfast.

"What's got you all happy?" I ask him, and then it hits me, Belly told me about their kiss. It has to be about the kiss!

"Oh nothing, can't I just be in a good mood?" He asks.

"Of course, you can, you just seemed to be down all summer, so I was wondering why the change of heart all of a sudden."

Conrad opens his mouth as if he's going to tell me something, and then closes it.

"Mm, want some breakfast?" He asks, changing the subject.

"Yes please!" He puts some of the eggs and bacon he made onto a plate for me, and I grab a bagel to go along with it. Me and Conrad eat in silence, but it's a good silence. Everyone else is at the country club except for the moms, I don't know where they went, and it's peaceful here with just me and Connie.

After breakfast I go up to my room and read. Finally, some peace and quiet for me to read my goddamn book. I've been trying all summer, but I just keep getting interrupted.

Connie and I have the house to ourselves until he leaves to help Cleveland with his boat and not shortly after, Belly and Jere get home from the country club. Steven has been spending all his time with this girl named Shayla, he's even going to be her escort. He's told me a bit about her, and I approve.

"CASSIE!" I hear Belly and Jeremiah yell my name in usion, there goes my peaceful reading time.

I make my way downstairs to see our moms and basically the entire pantry on the counter.

"They're high," Belly says, "And mom got laid last night."

"EW!" I yelp, why did I need to know that? Unnecessary information I could have lived my whole life without knowing.

"Cmere Jere, I need to do your portrait next!" Susannah says.

Belly and I watch over our mom while Susannah paints Jere.

Jeremiah's pov:

"When are you gonna make your move on Cass?" My mom asks while painting me. Dang, I didn't know everyone saw the heart eyes I give her. "I already told her that you guys are soulmates." My mom sighs, "Such a beautiful love..." And before I can say anything she shows me the portrait she made and it's terrible, it's nothing like the stuff she usually paints.

"Cass? Bells?" I call out and they come take a look at the painting. Laurel comes out too and soon we're all laughing as they realize just how high they were and how 'wonderful' my mom's painting is.

"Wanna go for a swim?" I ask Cassidy in the doorway of her room.

"Mmm, I'm gonna clean my room first, then maybe." She seems distracted by something on her phone.

"Okk!" I laugh, "Cya later." I close the door; it better not be that Mark guy.

Cassidy's pov:

I glance down at the text again that just appeared on my notifications, 'Hey, I'm just letting you know, I have feelings for you. And I feel like if you feel the same way we could really have something. I want to take things slow so I understand if you aren't ready but I'm totally down if you want to try something, and if not, we can just stay friends! :)' is what it reads. It's from Mark obviously. I'm just going to ignore the text until I know what to say back.

I seriously do have some feelings for Mark, but Jeremiah is who clouds my mind. He's all I think about when I think of the perfect guy for me.

I end up getting no cleaning done, and just stare at the same page in my book for a few hours, the text is all I can think about.

By the time I realize I've been staring at the same page for too long it's 11pm. When did it get so late? I ended up not even eating dinner.

Belly always recommends night swims in the pool when you need to think so that's what I do. I wear my bikini from the first day in the ocean with Jeremiah and grab my spongebob towel.

I drop the towel on a close lounge chair and inch my way into the water. Summer nights in Cousins are still warm, but they aren't as hot as the summer days. Once I'm fully submerged in the water, I duck my head down too.

I start just swimming. Belly was right, this is great to think in. It's so peaceful out here at nighttime. No loud boys, no drama. Just me.

After about my tenth lap around the pool I see a face in the water with me, Jeremiah. I smile under the water and resurface.

"Fancy seeing you here," He chuckles. I smile, something about this boy is just so contagious.

We circle around in the water for a few seconds before he speaks again, "Oh Cass,"

I let out a little giggle, he was acting a little strange, "What?" He looks at me for a bit longer, "What is it?" I can't help but laugh.

"It's nothing," He pauses, "Everything."

"Ok, what's going on?" My heart starts pounding.

"You're my best friend," He says sincerely, "But there are times I've wanted to be more." Everything stops. This is the moment that I've been waiting for all summer, it feels so right.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I ask, I would have told him I felt the same in a heartbeat.

"I was scared you didn't feel the same way, but this summer something changed, and I just needed you to know how I felt about you. And I guess I was just waiting for the right time, for the past 7 years" Jeremiah chuckled.

"Waiting for me?" I was so confused, but so here for it. My childhood love just confessed that he's liked me as long as I've liked him. All my thoughts of Mark flooded away.

"Yeah," His voice is almost a whisper, and I can feel myself melt, "Do you think you could ever? -"

"Yes, yeah." I say eagerly. He reaches out and touches my hand, pulling me closer, and then his lips are on mine. It momentarily knocks the wind out of me but then I'm kissing him back. I'm kissing Jeremiah Fisher back!

He pulls me onto his lap in the water to close all the space left between us and deepens the kiss. His hands travel up and down my back and everything feels in place, like this is supposed to happen. Like we are meant to be.

MWAHAHAHAHA, I freaking love the pool scene between him and Belly, it's too good to pass up lmao

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