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*Notes: this part, unlike the first one, is Build's pov.


"Is it really... convenient?"

"And why not? Personally, I don't mind the company for the evening."

The studio apartment. Build looks around in the hallway with the dimmed lights. As soon as Bible takes off his jacket, a medium-sized cat appears on his shoulder in one jump: grey, with a white muzzle and the same boots on the paws.


It doesn't slip away from Build how both of them — the master and the cat — are happy to see each other. Bible scratches the cat behind the ear, and then picks him up.

"So. Build, this is Gray. Gray, this is Build. Ta-dam!"

Build has no desire to laugh at all, his heart is still scratching from the feeling of his own insignificance, but this guy with his cat Gray can't help but cause a smile.

"Well, that's better," Bible winks at him, "a smile suits you much more than tears. And dimples... dimples," Bible suddenly sings dreamily, "how do you feel about spaghetti?"

"Mm... rarely cook them."

"But will you appreciate my cooking? I haven't had dinner yet, huh?"

Still propping the door with his back, Build lowers the corners of his mouth again.

"You... have meal, please... don't worry about me."

Bible shakes his head reproachfully.

"Come in, already. Wash your hands — the bathroom is there."

Half an hour later they are sitting at at the table in the kitchen. The furniture is very modern, but Build feels more than cozy.

Maybe, it's not about the furniture at all.

"Spaghetti Bolognese, with grated parmesan and herbs. Please," Bible solemnly announces, placing a deep plate in front of Build. "I hope you like it."

Build nods, smiling sheepishly.

"Thank you… I'm still kind of embarrassed."

"Come on," Bible puts Gray's bowl in the sink — his big-eared friend had dinner the very first,  "bon appetit!"

"You too…"

The promised tea. More precisely, oolong. They drink it sitting on the sofa in the living room. Bible is now without glasses, so Build can see his eyes better.


He refuses to believe that such a guy has no one to spend the evening with, except for the miserable creature he saved.

"You are smart and kind," he suddenly begins, "you know how to make people laugh and cook well. You're... handsome. Uh, what's the catch?"

Bible lets out a condescending laugh, adding to what was said in his address.

"And I also love knives and leather jewelry. Really. What's the catch?"

Build swallows, looking around warily.

"What? Scared and looking for the shortest way from this, for sure, a maniac with a cat? By the way, there is a strong sleeping pill in the tea. It was in the spaghetti too. So run while you're still conscious," grinning, Bible takes a sip of oolong.

The young man blushes. Worst of all, for a split second such a thought flashed through his mind.

"Don't be afraid. I really wanted to help you. And I won't do anything bad to you."

Build nods, still ashamed of his stupid fears.

Meanwhile, the rain is charging again outside. Frequent drops knock out a fraction on the glasses. No. It's not just raining. Like running from the sky. And Build finds himself feeling that only here, in this softly lit living room, next to a nice and hospitable guy, he feels protected from the cold hostile rain.

The bouquet of freesias is carefully placed by Bible in the water. Build looks at the white-purple petals. It seems to him that they are shaking their buds, as if whispering something encouraging.

Build looks at Bible, who enthusiastically tells him some life story. Just to distract him from his sad thoughts. He's not sure what exactly is guiding him at that moment, but Build wraps his hands around those high cheekbones and presses an unintentional kiss to Bible's lips.

Everything doesn't last long. About five seconds. Build doesn't even have time to figure out if his sudden impulse has been answered. Or was Bible shocked.

Build abruptly closes his eyes, as if in fear of the unknown. Then he opens them with the same energy.

Bible looks at him with familiar gentle understanding. There is not a shadow of reproach on his face.

"I'm sorry, I do not know what it was…"

Build, blushing to the ears, does not find how to justify his behaviour.

"Well, technically," Bible chuckles softly, "you kissed me."

"Uh... yeah. I just wanted to say that I didn't expect it from myself.… I don't usually behave like this. Sorry."

Bible tilts his head slightly and takes his hand, and Build does not distinguish whose pulse is beating so strongly under his veins.

"We don't need to talk about it now. And believe me, you haven't done anything to be ashamed of and for which you've already apologized twice."

Bible's thumb gently strokes his wrist. Build nods. He does not register at all in his head how his forehead turns out to be leaning against Bible's shoulder, and the palms of the latter are tenderly patting his back. Somewhere below, a purring is heard — a furry jealous guy has come to claim his rights on his master. Build rubs his forehead against Bible's shoulder, whispering.

"Shall we put it down to the rain?"

"Yes," Bible replies in the same whisper, "the rain is used to it."

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