"Paula? Are you okay?"

Still, no response anymore.

I was very worried about her.
I decided to move my flight because I knew I would not make it on time.
I'd rather listen to her voice on a phone call.


Minutes later, I heard clattering.
A sudden panic can be heard.

A lot of screaming and sobbing.
I heard someone saying, "Please!"
It felt very familiar.
It might not have been Paula's voice because it wasn't that soft.
There was a small scuffle.

Until a voice came,
"Stephen, these might be her last moments. Say everything you want to tell her."

The voice felt very familiar.

I already heard this strange lady's voice.
I was handed back to Paula immediately.


"Yes, I'm here! Please hang in there. I can't lose you."

I sobbed so hard.

"Stephen, thank you so much for everything. One of my favorite goals is to help a friend. And I helped you with your career. Please enjoy your journey as an artist. I love you so much, Stephen. You're one of the best friends I ever had. I hope you'll meet Alice again. "

It is really weird for her to mention Alice in her dying moments.

"I promise I will Please don't go yet."

"I Love You..."

. . .

The phone call can be barely heard.
I only listen to the silent background after her words.
Then there was a sudden, loud noise.
The one that you can hear on a monitor going off.
This time the beep went constant.
I can hear everyone sobbing in that room.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

And I knew that was it.

The phone call suddenly ended.

That was it.

Her last moments.

The people in there didn't even explain to me what illness she had.

I broke into tears.

I fell onto my knees and sobbed so hard.



7 Days Later.

I went silent to public.

I arrived at Texas.

Stayed at Mark's house.

"Hey, Can I get Paula's address?" was my question.

Mark then handed me a yellow note where the address is written.

I told Mark that I had to go to that location.

He said it would be better if he'd go too.


We went to that address.
Had a key.
The house looks very vintage.
It looks old.
It's giving me an early 20th century aesthetic.

I went directly to her bedroom.
Mark was scrutinizing the whole place.
I searched under her bed.
There was only one thing in there and that is the box.
The box is wrapped with a pretty purple ribbon.

"To Stephen" was written on top of it.

I opened the box and I was completely flabbergasted by the items in it.
No wonder why the box itself is familiar. No wonder why that strange lady's voice was very familiar.

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