I quickly drifted off back into a deep sleep instantly...

Carter POV
Hours Later

I didn't mean to scare her... I felt kinda bad for that, but when she said she didn't need me to hold her and than she started shivering viciously and shit.

I mean I had no choice, feel me?

I woke up and looked at the time that read 11:34 a.m.

And it was STILL raining my nigga.

This is Cali. The weather gon fuck around and end this drought y'all 😎.

I than looked under me to see Shay all snuggled up against me... I couldn't help but to smile to myself because she's so cute when she's asleep.

I decided to finally get up so I gently untangled myself from Shay even though I could stay in that position for years.

I covered her back up with my silk sheets and fluffy comforter.

I go to the bathroom before brushing my teeth. After that, I quietly go into my closet and grab a hoodie because it's colder than a mothafucka.

I slipped it on and left my room before I closed my door so Shay can sleep.

I turned the heater on.

I realized that I left my phone in the living room so I checked it to see a bunch of unimportant shit.

I fold up the blankets on the floor from last night.

I than go into my kitchen and make myself a pepperoni hot pocket, it's too cold to be standing in the kitchen tryna make some breakfast.

I than go into the living room so I could lay my long ass on the couch to watch BET while eating my hot pocket.

I guess I ended up falling asleep because I woke up to see Shay playing with my curls, trying to wake me up...

Shay POV

I wake up to see that I'm by myself in the bed, I feel around for Carter and he's not there.

He must be somewhere around here...

I sat up and looked at the clock to read 12:19p.m. I than remembered that I have a doctor's appointment for my foot so I had to get up to leave.

I strap my boot back onto my cast before I went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush that I keep in my purse.

I made sure that I looked atleast half decent. I put my sundress into my purse and than made my way to the living room.

I than look to my right to see Carter asleep on the couch with the t.v. on, I smile as I started to make my way towards the door to put my sandal on my good foot.

Carter POV

She was crouched down to my eye level...

"I have to go because I have a doctor's appointment in 30 minutes for my foot but I'm gonna go shower, change and than come back to get the food and stuff" I stared at her as she talked, because I was tired and because she was so beautiful, especially on the morning I nodded my head as she smiled warmly at me.

"Oh! And sorry that I gotta jack your clothes" she laughed out a little bit, gesturing my clothes on her body.

I just sleepily laughed at her.

"It's alright" I spoke.

"I'll call or text you when I'm on my way" she said with a small smile.

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