The drawing.

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Aoife's POV:

Math is the worst subject. I couldn't concentrate, especially with Ollie sneaking glances at me every 5 seconds. He's acting weird and I don't like it.

The bell rang so i quickly got out of my seat and headed for the door only to be stopped by the one and only Ollie.

"Here." he said handing me a folded piece of paper, i looked at him funny before taking it. As i went to open it he stopped me and said "Not yet."

"What?" I asked.

"Open it later." He said and walked out.

i followed then saw Soheila and Dylan at their lockers, i walked up to them both and as soon as Dylan saw me she asked "What's in your hand?"

"Dunno, Ollie gave me it."

Soheila looked at me and basically shouted "Open it then!!" She's been wanting us to get together ever since i met her in freshman year. Not happening. I opened the paper and it was a drawing of... me? Why would he draw me? It was good and all but why me? "E, he so likes you." Dylan deadpanned.

"Now you guys are being ridiculous, he doesn't like me!" I'm starting to get annoyed.

The bell rang just in time so i walked to class to avoid snapping once more. I had art, i absolutely love the art teacher, she lets me put my ear phones in as i paint at the back of the class.

i walked into class and Miss Avery welcomed me as a took my apron off the hook. i put it on as more pupils started to swarm the classroom, i put my hair up and pulled some strands out to frame my face. I may be painting but that doesn't mean  I don't wanna look cute doin' it.

Everyone had entered the classroom now and my earphones were in blasting my playlist.

Ollies POV:

I met up with Ryan as we were skipping next period, wood work. Who needs that? Not me! I saw Ryan and we started walking around the different buildings, avoiding teachers so we didn't get sent to class.

We walked past an art room but as I looked through the window I saw Aoife. Painting. Since when could she paint? She looks gorgeous. Her head started to turn so I looked away and carried on walking, quicker than before.


"You did what?!" Ryan semi-screamed.

I told Ryan I drew Aoife and gave her it.

"You heard me." I told him.

"Back up, she's going to think you like her dude." He said, if he didn't catch my attention before, he definitely has now.

"Wait what." I deadpanned.

"That's just how girls are, plus that was a very flirty gesture."

"No she wont, she hates me, i hate her. Yeah we hate each other there's no way she would think that." I rambled

"Who are u trying to convince, me or you?" He looked at me and smirked.


oh em GHEE 

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