"Says the one who got caught in the janitor's closet with Ali last month with his shirt off," Johnny shot back as he takes his jacket off, his intention to help Daniel when he sees him busy adding planks to a sort of extra place in the yard.

Daniel grunts, "Shut up, it was once."

"Still happened."

Rosana couldn't help but smile as Daniel and Johnny teased one another back and forth before Daniel showed Rosana and him how to put a nail in the way Mr. Miyagi taught him.

It honestly made Rosana's heart warmer and lighter to see them get along. She cannot say that they have become best friends but they got better along than a few months ago and were now more frenemies really. This consisted of rude but humourous and harmless teasing and shots at each other that were better than fists against fists.

It was all she could ask for.


Rosana nudged Daniel with her elbow, her eyes hinting at something as she takes another wooden thin slab from Johnny.

Daniel looks at her, taking a few seconds too long to understand what she was trying to say before his eyes lit up with understanding. Rosana rolls her eyes at him and thought, Idiot.

"Hey, Mr. Miyagi, want to help me get some ice tea for everyone," Rosana suggests before walking in Mr. Miyagi's direction.

"Good idea, Rose-san."

Johnny raises a brow as Daniel jumps into action once Rose and Mr. Miyagi is out of sight. He puts down the hammer and runs into Mr. Miyagi's room looking back and forth between the kitchen and the room.

Johnny follows him into the room, curious about what Daniel could be doing now as he began to look through Mr. Miyagi's belongings with a small wooden frame beside him.

"Dude, what are you doing?"

"Shhh, keep your voice down."

Johnny watches as Daniel brings out a medal, a medal of honor that Mr. Miyagi was awarded during the war. He could tell different medals apart considering Kreese had many that he kept framed from the war.

"Rose and I thought it would be nice to frame this for Mr. Miyagi," Daniel whispered with a small smile.

In moments like this, it was difficult for either of them to get into fights considering that neither of them was trying to one-up the other. And in place came a moment of understanding and mutual peacefulness if one can call it that. It was rare when they agreed on things, but they both acknowledged moments when they were on the same page. Like now when it came to doing something for Mr. Miyagi or when it was the twins' mom's birthday.

"Hmm, very good work." Mr. Miyagi's voice could be heard from outside as Daniel carefully placed it in the frame while Johnny tried to rearrange the box it was in back to where it belonged.

"Daniel-san? Johnny-san? Oi!"

"Yeah! We'll be right there." Johnny called before he slaps the back of Daniel's head, "Hurry up."

Daniel hisses, and briefly glares at him before he mutters, "Asshole."

"Jackass." Johnny whispers, "Here let me do it."

Daniel moves it to the side, "No, dipshit."

Aaaand the moment of neutral peace had evaporated. Moments like this do happen, but quite fleeting to say the least.

"How feeling Daniel-san?"

"Much better, thanks." Daniel says back distractedly as he and Johnny briefly wrestle the frame with the medal in it back and forth, "Let go!" Daniel yells in a whisper.

"What are we building out there anyway?" Daniel asks Mr. Miyagi before he slaps Johnny's hand, "Stop it before we break it."

"Fine! Now hurry up." Johnny huffs with an eye roll.

"Guest rooms." Mr. Miyagi answers back.

"Expecting company?" Rosana's voice can be heard from inside the room as well as she asks with a hint of curiosity.

"Nah, refugees."

"Oh, yeah, that's great. From where?" Daniel asks as he shoves Johnny with his shoulder as he makes the medal angle a bit to the right when Johnny tried to do it himself.


The word made Johnny, Daniel, and Rosana pause. All three of them were confused but a small ball of hope began to bloom.

Johnny and Daniel came out of the house as Rosana asks, "Fresno?"

Mr. Miyagi was pouring the ice tea into four tall glasses filled with ice as he says, "Miyagi talk to mother last night, too."

"And she said Rose and I could stay in here?" Daniel asks with strained excitement.

Rosana's eyes darts to Johnny, her body coiled to prevent herself from jumping to assumptions too quickly as her eyes lit up with what this could mean for the next few months for them.

"If like," Mr. Miyagi answers noncommittally.

"You mean we don't have to go to Fresno?" Rose asks, trying not to bounce on her feet.

"If no want."

This was met with cheers from the three teenagers.

"Oh, man, you saved my life!" Daniel spun in a circle.

Johnny grinned as he picked Rosana up and twirled her in his arms in excitement, "Yes!" He places a big kiss on her cheek, their eyes dancing with happiness.

"Thanks! Mr. Miyagi, thanks!" Daniel bowed to Mr. Miyagi before Johnny did the same, grateful to this old man. Now, he didn't need to spend months without his Anna.

Rosana crashed into Mr. Miyagi as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Mr. Miyagi's heart warmed as he hugged her briefly, placing a small kiss on her forehead. Rosana was the only one who could get away with something like that.


Heeey guys!

I know it's been a while and this chapter was a bit off, but don't worry it's just a filler really and I wanted to post something after how long everyone waited.

I had a lot going on these past few months and lost some of my motivation to write in general. Slowly trying to get it back so no worries.

It's my last year of studies, so going to be hectic, will try to update as much as I can when I'm able to.

Thank you all for your love and support for this story. I really appreciate it a lot! ❤️

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I hope you all enjoyed it!

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