The Wet Day

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It was at the start of the Summer when Dave and his mother Tanya went to visit his aunt Sharon and her daughter Michelle for a few days.

They were both Single Parent families but Tanya was pretty poor as her ex walked out on her when she was pregnant and Sharon was divorced but had a pretty good settlement.

Dave always like to visit his Aunt Sharon as it was away from scummy area he lived and always thought his cousin Michelle was cool as she was a couple of years older

The first full day Sharon suggested they go to town and then go to the coast which wasn't that far away.

Sharon wanted to do some clothes shopping for Michelle and Sharon as she was 15 she was developing. For the first half of the day Dave was bored as they were doing girly things and being a 12 year old boy there was nothing to interest him.

A little later they headed down to the station and eventually went to the coast, this was the only time every year Dave was able to see the beach due to their financial position.

Once there they had walked what felt like miles to the deserted area well away from the commercial part, a happy day was had by all until it suddenly rained, there had been nothing on the forecast earlier but all four were soaked to the skin.

"Oh no what do we do now" Tanya said as she stood there looking at all 4 dripping, Sharon said "well we have just been shopping and they all started opening the bags of shopping they got earlier, well all except Dave.

Dave Just stood back a little quiet and very soaked, Michelle looked at him and just said "So what about Dave", then a big pause happened across the group and Tanya just said "Ah, slight problem here". Sharon looked at him and said "He's the same size as Suzanne" and took him over to a secluded area and pulled a whole new outfit out of the bag for him, which made Dave look at it in Disgust as it was a dress.

Sharon pointed out his hair was long for a boy which was just above his shoulders, Tanya piped up and demanded he got out of those wet clothes immediately.

They were in a quiet corner of the beach and hidden from view behind rocks Dave slipped his wet clothes off and was passed a pair of pink panties which he slid on followed by a long summer dress which was dropped over his head, he felt it stick as his body was still damp but felt weird as he was out of soaking clothes but also felt horrid as he was in a dress.

As they walked down the beach towards the seafront Dave felt all eyes were on him but in reality everyone was so worried about themselves as they had also been caught out with the weather nobody saw him.

They walked back to the railway station and as the train came in Dave jumped in and nabbed a seat by the window just so nobody could see him, that journey back was the longest of his life as he felt he wouldn't stand out any less if he had a flashing light above his head but not one person took a second look.

As they approached Sharon's home station She said they would get a taxi home and for Dave that was a relief as nobody would see him.

As they arrived back at Sharon's, Dave was first through the door, running upstairs almost tearing off the dress and rummaging through his case at the same time to find himself some male clothes.

Once changed he headed downstairs and Tanya looked at him and just said "oh your back then, I enjoyed having a little girl for a few hours", Dave just glared and said nothing .


The next morning Tanya asked Dave what he thought about the day before, he shrugged and said "Ok I suppose" not really knowing what to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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