"Crash." November 9th, 1980. Entry 3.

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We soon passed by killdane. T'was around 8:09 In the morning now and we saw that Deadly Mist. I think the drivers did to as I could feel the train speeding up. Well over 90. Maybe even 100 miles per-hour.. At the same time the passengers closed all the windows and sealed them shut with whatever they could find. Unfortunately the fog caught up to us and covered our coach. Fortunately non of it loaded in but the interior did start to smell like a mix of onions and something rotten. -Judging by the speed it wouldn't be long until the red Mist reached Gordon and his crew. I hope he can out run it.

But I'm sorry to say that did happened. Despite the Ambience of the crowded passengers and rumble of the coaches, we could very well hear Gordon starting to cry, And then scream. I found it weird.. I thought it instantly killed him? I guess it affects engines differently. - With a sudden surge the express sped up. I was worried then and wondered if the engine was pushing himself too hard. But a few seconds later I could hear two voices scream. It sounded like Gordons and someone else. I couldn't tell who however. A few moments later  I could hear I loud bang, metal crashing and th—~~

Fuck me. . . I- I just got up.. I think the train derailed. I- It must've hit something hard. The coach I'm in seems to be on his side in a ditch. As one side seems to be raised. I can't remember what happened. The occupants inside the coach I'm seem dazed.. Some I think are dead. Shattered their skill against some of the interior. Fuck.. I can't move my arm. I- I must've broken it somewhere. Half of the passengers are knocked out. I learned 8 have been killed. What the fuck is happening? I don't know. But I have bigger things to worry about as that red mist is now over us. I can't see 2ft from outside the coach. I think it's sealed as every seems to be calmed. I checked my time.. It was 7:05 PM. I was out for a while. The whole coach seemed to be quite with an acceptation of a few people and a baby crying. After an hour or two I finally got the strength to stand. Arm broken and head bleeding.

I can only pray that my family is still alive at this point.. But the most strange thing happend only a few hours later. I looked out the window. Only to see the mist had seemingly vanish. It was around 11:29 In the night when this happened. We were too scared to go outside, So finally one guy did. And with the help of several volunteers he stepped out the coach. After holding my breath for a few seconds he didn't start to convulse and seemed fine! For a few minutes he tried to coax us out of the battered coach. And slowly but surely over the hours people start to come out until the carriage was pretty empty. When I finally got out I looked around me.. the coach we were in was indeed in a ditch. The other coaches were either completely smashed open, Stacked on top of Escher of telescoping through each-other. Strangely enough Gordon was no where to be seen but I did find who was the culprit behind the crash. On the other side of the ditch we found the mangled and twisted remains of Bertie We must've hit him while Gordon was out of control at the level crossing.. He did not look like a bus anymore due to how badly he got hit. -But I did not care about this. The surrounding coaches were a bloodbath. Dead kids, Adults and even the elderly everywhere. I was searched through each coach only finding contorted and mangled bodies. Their blood covering the interior. I.. I did eventually find my family. How ever, they were gone. The mist had gotten to them. They were in a upright coach but with a massive gash in the side. Soon the passengers that were still alive met the same fate I did. Finding loved ones dead.. I started to cry uncontrollably over the deaths of my dream. Of the only things I had to keep me going..

I- I can't fucking do this.

I'm going to kill myself.

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