Arc One: A Different Type of Halcyon: Shark-Fin Soup

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"And she danced, 

on the brink of an unknown future, 

to an echo from a vanished past."

The streets of Kiri are tense and silent, rather than it's usually quiet ramblings of the shop owners and potential buyers. Civilians and other shinobi alike appear to part like the sea, with a god's rage, as a tall shinobi with strange shark-like features stepped down the pathway towards a certain shop. The man was tall and muscular, with blue-gray tinted skin. Following behind the man was another male with a younger gruff and lean appearance.

Hoshigaki Kisame wouldn't let it show on his face that he was frightfully angry and seriously annoyed. The disgusted and wary expressions of civilians and fellow shinobi alike have long since stopped affecting his heart. He was no longer that weak and naive child who craved love, attention, and most of all acceptance for who he was.

He hadn't asked to be born the fucking way he was. Besides, outsiders of his clan wouldn't understand they're ways. His people were part of the sea as descendants from Ao Guang. It was considered a blessing if you were born with more visible marks from the sea.

Though as it stands, he was quick to learn that pain demanded to be felt. It did not care if you were hurt or healed from previous torment. It came in like a tsunami and left with only wreckage to be cleaned up. Pain also left imprints in places where bandages or medicines couldn't fix or heal. Pain left scars. It left smudges like ink from a brush pressed in one place too long on paper. It left bruises, smears, stains, and traces left behind that could be tracked. Pain was agony, and he's been accompanied by both since the day his first cry of life was heard.

So despite the raging pain and hollowed grief that howled beneath his skin and fractured soul, he never broke from his icy and intimidating appearance.

"Why did I have to come with you, future shark-bait?" Momochi Zabuza growled out completely miffed as he swung his sword Kubikiribocho on his back carelessly, nearly cleaving a passing civilian in half.

Kisame rolled his eyes hard enough that he caught a brief glimpse of what his brain looked like. "Because Fuguki-sensei stated you needed to be watched Little Demon." He replied with clear annoyance in his tone.

"I don't need to be watched, damn it!" Zabuza roared out with an indignant expression clear on his face, despite half of it being covered by bandages.

"Sure you don't." Kisame dryly replied with a quick pointed look thrown over his slowly towering figure. He wasn't the one who killed several academy students before said murderer was even in school himself. 'And Kisame had vowed that day to never kill children if he could help it.'

Kisame heaved another sigh of irritation before he grabbed Zabuza by his ear and dragged him into the Swordmaker's shop. The scene he comes across makes him pause and let go of the other's ear he had been holding in a tight pinch.

"Shisui-san, stop poking Samehada, she's becoming annoyed!" A rather childish voice chided, and when Kisame properly gathered his bearings, he saw sitting in the renowned Hamasaki shop a toddler with loud hair in shades and hues of different pinks and light reds. The other occupant much older than the first was a young preteen boy, and he knew he was an Uchiha. It was not because of the Uchiha symbol sewn in his clothes, but because of his dark and handsome features alone. 'He's also fought against a fair few Uchihas before on his missions and during the war.' The scene before him put him on edge, because everyone knew that Hamasaki Sadao was not friendly and allowed anyone to browse in his shop carelessly while touching things.

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