Kyries Eyes #5

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I couldn't go home. I felt so guilty for doing this. I could be in for hell when I get home. Sage is crazy on the low. I don't know how she's going to handle this.

When I walked in, the house was empty. Sage left a surprising note. With my fave cookies. I took a bite into one of them.

What the hell? Why are these so spicy? Is this beans? What's going on? I spit the cookie out and threw the rest away. I called Sage, but she didn't answer.

I got a call from an unknown number.


"That's just one of many that's coming your way honey. That's why you keep it in your pants"

I took my shower and went to bed. I heard Sage come into the room.


"That's my name, don't wear it out"

"You okay?"

"I'm alright, what happened?"

"I got a weird call today"

"I can't help you. Goodnight."

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