Chapter 6

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Cami's POV

It had been a rough couple of days waiting anxiously to leave and go to Italy. But Gio wanted to make sure that I was actually able to travel. We were on our way to the airport, all of us except Enzo of course, he already flew back to Italy. It was Gio driving and Leo in the passenger seat then in the back was me squashed in between Teo and Cardo. 

I was kind of nervous to go on the plane as I have never been on a plane in my entire life however, Cardo told me that it was our own private jet and that there was no need to worry about anything. 

We rocked up to the airport and these black SUV's pulled up behind us. A bunch of really scary looking men all wearing suits, sunglasses and ear phones got out. At a quick glance I would say that there were about 75-100 of them. "Teo." I said in a hushed whisper as I tugged on his shirt, "Who are they?" Teo looked to where I was pointing and laughed "oh neonata (baby-girl) they are our body guards, we have many enemy's and we want to keep you safe."

We walked through the airport to the private jet terminal and I saw the massive thing that I would be riding for around 15 hours. I had seen a couple of airplanes on TV from when I was watching from the hallway while mom and Pedro were watching movies and stuff. 

Gio walked up to the gate and the pilot stepped out of the tunnel. "Capo (boss)" he said with a sort of salute like movement. What kind of boss was my dad? Capo and so many bodyguards. If I didn't know any better I'd say that they were in a gang. 

Now that I think about it perhaps they are in a gang?

I didn't dwell on that thought for long since it was time to get onto the plane. I thought the people at the tunnel were going to scan our tickets but no, they just gave us a nod and motioned for us to go in. The outside of this plane did not do the inside justice, there were 5 bedrooms 15 rows seats, with 9 seats in each row. There was also a bar and tables and chairs plus the bathrooms.

"Wow! This plane is amazing!" I whispered to myself I think that Teo heard me because I heard him nicker to himself.

I sat on seat 1a because Gio told me that the princess gets to sit at the front. Cardo came up and sat next to me and whispered in my ear "Cami, I don't know if this is your first flight or not but you can hold my hand if you want to." I was thankful that he had said that because this was my first time on a plane and I was pretty nervous. 

When we took off I almost screamed I wasn't expecting to go that fast I think that if I had of squeezed Cardo's hand any tighter I would have broken something in his hand, I think that's what it looked like on his face as well. 

After a few hours my eyes began to droop however every time I got even close to falling asleep I woke myself back up. Eventually, Teo walked past and saw me wake myself up. "neonata (baby-girl) you can go to sleep in one of the beds if you want." I nodded half asleep and began to climb out of my seat, "neonata (baby-girl) don't be silly they are on the other side of this plane I will carry you." I was hesitant but I let him carry me.

Once Teo had put me on the bed, I instantly fell asleep until I was awoken by....


What do you all think she'll be awoken by?

I was contemplating if I was going to continue this book but I have decided that I will continue to write it :)

Have a lovely day/night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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