chapter 3

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it had been a few days since nini had spoke to dr richard bowen and let me tell you, it was quite an overwhelming couple of days!

gina was obsessing over the fact that the two were together, despite the fact that it couldn't be further from the truth. she hated the dude and every time he would come up to her or even give her a look, she reluctantly smiled but she was internally rolling her eyes.

not to mention the constant stress of her studies. nini had recently become fascinated with the work of harrison reynolds, a male proffesor who had great experience in finding cures for cancer. it was a fascinating course that he set up. he went deep into what actually causes this deadly disease in the first place and that just spiked her curiosity to find out as much info as she possibly could.

she contemplated dropping him an email multiple times but her fight or flight response always kicked in. from a young age, nini always suffered with her anxiety and it didn't help when she had to have meeting and do public speaking so this, this meant that she would be talking to a stranger and multiple strangers in a large crowd.

a habit always kicked in with her public speaking and for some strange reason, a british accent always slipped out. to this day, she still doesn't know why!

dear mr reynolds or should i say dr reynolds,

my name is nina amelia salazar roberts and i am a student at stem and i am deeply fascinated with your work. i have always been inspired by you and your findings into how cancer actually develops and grows in the body and how some people survive and others aren't so lucky.

those families who have lost love ones due to this dreaded disease deserve some justice. why exactly did the chemotherapy not destroy all of the cancer cells and why did it make the person so incredibly ill in the first place? i'm sure that you would've thought about the lifelong effects of chemo but regardless, still a fraction, probably not even a fraction of people are lucky.

as someone who works in the science element of things, i do believe that we need to get to the root of why cancer affects certain people more so than others and why some treatments are more effective.

i would love it if we could collabarate sometime

nina amelia salazar roberts

a/n: as someone who isn't interested in science, i just kind of rambled on but i hope that email made sense!

"nini!" gina yelled coming in the dorm snapping nini out of her endless cycle of contemplating.


"you have been staring at that screen for ages, what's up?"

"does this email sound ok?" nini asked, picking at the skin that was hanging by her nail.

"neens, that's fine, just send it"

"but i'll have to speak, in front of people, that's scary!"

"life is scary in general but look i'll be cheering you on, and seb and richard, your boyfriend" she says the last part twirling her hair making nini flush red in embarassment, yep, she was definitely going to get bullied by gina later.


"ooh girl, you're blushing"

"shut up!" nini states sticking her middle finger up at the girl.

"never, you're my best friend and omg"


"ej just um, asked me if we want to hang out!"

"girl omg, no way, say yes!" nini said looking at her best friend with a genuine look of happiness.

at first, it felt awkward as gina was constantly talking about ej despite the two of them having history between each other. the two got along far too well and ended up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend but it soon turned sour when gina started developing feelings for him and well nini, she just didn't like him like that anymore.

every since they broke up, they decided to be friends. ej also, like nini and gina, was intrested in science so he went along to stem with the two of them. it was weird in the beginning, constantly seeing him on the corridors and giving him an awkward smile and wave but now, nini was happy as long as her best friend was happy.

the only issue was that nini felt lonely. even now, she had never experienced true love, true affection. sure, she had love that was strictly platonic but she couldn't help but long for something more than that, something more special.

nini was a hopeless romantic and spent the majority of her time watching rom coms alone. even though some were quite cheesy and embarrassing, she wanted the kind of love that was in books and movies.

she wanted to find that person who would love her insecurities, her flaws and most importantly, love her for who she was. unfortunately, ej just wasn't the one to give it to nini but she hopes that ej could be the one to give it to gina.

"are you sure? what if he declines at the last minute?"

"girl, he was the one who invited you, now say yes before i have to yank your phone and do it for you!" nini tells her whilst gina sticks her tongue out and starts typing.

"he's typing omg, he replied"

"what did he say?"

"he says pick you up at 7, wear something cute but casual"

"ahh go you!"

"i gotta go but i'll see you later!"

"yeah, bye" nini says watching her best friend leave the room.

she returns her attention back to the email, sighing, she finally clicks on it. now we wait...


Just to point out, Harrison is going to be played by Louis Partridge. I hope you all are liking the book so far, thank you for reading!

Em <33

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