chapter 2

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"nini, we have got to talk" gina says, hands on her hips, yep, she was definitely being serious.

nini knew gina, she wasn't scared, perhaps she just needed to talk about wandavision and how crazy the last episode was or maybe, it was kind of important.

she sat, staring back at gina, her thoughts running wild as she held her ron weasley coffee mug in her hand, dreading this conversation.

"yeah, we do" the petite brunette replied, she was kind of hoping that this conversation wouldn't last a while like her hour long text conversations usually go but knowing gina, it was most likely going to turn out that way.

"so you were busy last night" gina starts the conversation with, definitely setting up for something scary.

"oh? like what?"

"oh i don't know, like making out with richard bowen" nini's eyes went wide as she practically spat out her coffee.

she didn't, she couldn't. he was an asshole, she knew that from the moment she stepped foot in his class. his eyes were examining every single student closely as each student walked in one by one.

he looked at nini closely, she obviously didn't fit in this environment at all. for starters, she was a girl wearing glasses and looked super frightened about integrating with the other students until gina came in.

nini picked up on his vibe, he was intimidating her so much to the point where she felt like going up to his desk and telling him who's boss but she decided against that due to her lack of social skills and extreme anxiety.

she finally snaps back into reality realising that she'll have to talk eventually. she was internally kicking herself.

"i.. surprise!" nini lied.

"wait? what? you and bowen are dating?" the brunnette nodded. it was like the lies were slowly spiralling out of control.

"uh yeah, to be honest, i was kinda surprised at how much of a good person he is, he's definitely not an asshole"

"i... i don't understand, how does my best friend get to date a professor?"

"heh, fate i guess..."

"look neens, i'm so happy for you but if he breaks your heart, you are calling me first thing, got it?"

"got it" nini tells her as she stares at her lukewarm coffee.

"ah shoot, i better go, apparently seb almost set the faculty lounge on fire"

"oof, go, i'll text you later" she tells her, noticing a presence next to her.

"i got ej to handle that" the male voice said, wrapping his hand around nini's waist.

"oh i uh, thanks dr bowen" gina tells him putting her hand out for him to shake.

"no need, so you must be the infamous genevieve porter, nini tells me a lot about you" nini looked at him like he had two heads but was kinda relieved that he was such a good liar.

the more believable, the better.

gina however, looks super shocked but was insanely happy at the fact that nini seemed, by the looks of it, to be happy with him and plus, he seemed nice, as of right now.

his grip was tightening ever so slightly but not to the point where nini felt like she couldn't breathe. it was nice to be held like this...



"um, i better be going, it was nice meeting you" gina tells her, mouthing a i'll see you later to nini.

"what was that?" nini asked him, making sure that gina had left the room before she grew suspicion.

"what was what?"

"oh i don't know, you flirting with me, i just, i don't get it!"

"neither do i, i don't get how you could just lie to your best friend about us?"

"you... you heard our conversation?"

"uh huh, and from the sounds of it, it seems as though you are a terrible liar"

"that's because i am..."

"then why did you kiss me?"

"i don't know, gina was putting pressure on me, not to mention that i couldn't see!"

"uh huh"

"oh shut up giraffe legs, what should we do? i got myself into this mess and i... oh my god, she thinks we are dating"

"well why don't we just pretend that we are?"

"so fake date?"

"i guess, if that's what we are calling it"

"you really are old" nini giggles making his mouth curl up a little.

"shut up, so fake dating?"

"yeah... we need rules"


"rules, you know, like the ones you set in the classroom?"

"i know what rules are but what type of rules are you implying?"

"ok so fake dates, kissing only in public if gina or anyone else sees and um, try not to fall in love with one another, this is strictly my fault and i don't want you to get into my mess"

"i'm already in it" she rolled her eyes at him. this was going to be a long couple of months.

"so do we have a deal?"

"fine, i guess we do"


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