Chapter 9-(iii)(Continue)

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(Y'all I just woke up it is around 3am and I was generating ideas for this part when I got 5 mosquito bites in my right arm and none in the rest of my body.)

(OK they are itchy as heck.)

"You ready, Black Raisin?" Black Raisin climb to the tree she slept in and stuff her ears there. "Ready!" Espresso put his sound blaster 3000 head phones on turn on the speaker itself for about two seconds. All of them sat up on shocked, too tired to say anything. "Wakey Wakey eggs and bakey." Espresso sarcastically said.

(Y'all I just found two mosquito bites in my left arm so I'm going to assume there is either a active mosquito in my room or a very stupid bug)

"Eggs and bakey my ass." Crunchy glare at Espresso while rubbing his eyes (How is that possible-)


(12 hours later and I finally came back to this book)

"Shut up or else." "Or what?" "Or else me and Black Raisin will tell everyone what you and he did." Espresso pointed at Crunchy and Wildberry. "You and Black Raisin heard everything?!" "Why yes we did." Black swiftly and silently ran towards Espresso, standing beside him." "Fine" "You seriously have to do that?" Black Raisin whispered to Espresso. "If it's the only way to shut him up then yes." He claps his hand twice to turn all the cookies' attention to him

"Listen up, ladies and gents, I hope you do remember who is your partner as we must hurry up and look for Dark Enchantress and her minions as soon as we can, maximum by evening fall. IS THAT CLEAR?" He hears yep and yes from different cookie's. "ALRIGHT. MAKE HASTE. NOW." He grabs Madeleine and drag him to a random direction. "C'mon Cassette, let's go" "Arf!"

"BLACK RAISIN WAIT FOR ME" "SORRY HOLLY BERRY" "Caw!" What's left is Wildberry and Crunchy Chip. "Just us now." Crunchy then felt him being hauled up onto bulky shoulder. "HEY WHY THIS AGAIN?!" "You need to save up your energy." "Alright alright fine." They, too, went to a random direction.

(Ok let's start with Espresso and Madeleine-)

"Stop kissing and teasing me. We are currently on a mission, Madeleine dear." "noooooooooo" Madeleine fake pouted.b"Okok fine." Espresso peck Madeleine. "Now shut up." "Yayyy Ok"

Suddenly a red aura circled around Espresso's waist. "Huh?" He got lifted up by some sort of magic. A monster appeared. It is translucent for some reason. "ESPRESSO" "WHY AM I ALWAYS TARGETED FIRST." Madeleine charged at the monsters stabbing it in the head. He hates seeing his sword stained in blood but if it's for Espresso he didn't care. The monster roared and screeched before disappearing into skinny air. Espresso, who was in the air, fell on top of Madeleine. "ESPRESSO ARE YOU OKAY?"

"Are your hands and arms ok?" "Well they hurt a little bit but they're fine!" "Then I'm ok. Anyways let's go continue exploring." "Do we really have to. You almost died." "Yes or else I won't give you kisses for a week." "Ok fine."

(With Cassette and Pure Vanilla)

"ARF ARF" "You notice anything Cassette?" "Arf!" Cassette kept barking to a bush. A wolf came out of its hiding and stares at them with fear in their eyes. "I don't think it meant any harm Cassette." "Arf." The wolf walks closer to them. To Pure Vanilla, Cassette is just staring into its eyes. When in reality they are bonding. "Arf Arf!" "Huh?"

The two wolves starting chasing each other playfully. "Im going to assume they are friends now.." Pure Vanilla mumbled.

(With Black Raisin and Holly Berry)

Black Raisin ran into a random patch of dead grass in the middle of a random forest. (They went into the direction of a forest) "Holly Berry?" No sound.


"Gah!" She barely dodges a Vine Gobbin Hydra attack. "What are you.." "Caw!" "CROW" She watched as her crow got thrown to the floor, knocked out. *Thud* The Hydra got knocked out from something. "I hope I'm not too late?" It was Holly Berry. She stretched out her hand and her shield swung to her hand, grabbing it mid-air. "Too late for my crow..but i-its fine we just to get to Pure Vanilla."

(With Crunchy and Wildberry)

(25% of my mind: SMUT SMUT SMUT. 75% of my mind: No bitch.)

"Is that a.." Both of them saw a cake hound disappearing from existence. "Wha-" Wildberry covered Crunchy's mouth to silence and drag him to a nearby Bush. "Hush. I heard something." Soon after, barking. Loud barking, can be heard. "SALUTE TO YOUR COMMANDER, NOW RUN TO THE NEAREST PREY AND KILL IT." "ARF ARF WOOF WOOF Arf." Thousand. Hundreds of thousands. Of cake hounds were heard. A cookie with a mask was behind.

"NO MERCY WHATSOEVER GO GO GO." Crunchy and Wildberry heard a Vine Gobbin hydra roaring and screeching. Then it suddenly stopped. Both poke their heads out of the bush a little but to see what was going on. The cakes finished the monster, and it disappeared. After a few minutes, they went to search another prey that is stronger. "C'mon let's go to our camp it is almost evening." Wildberry said. He hauled up Crunchy to his shoulders again. He didn't complain. Most likely somehow too tired to.


Everyone shared their experiences to well..everyone. "Maybe it is a illusion..?" Espresso suggested. He is a scientist, not something else. Pure Vanilla was healing Black Raisin's crow when he cleared his throat, and everyone turned their attention towards him. "I have something to say..Cassette and I found a wolf in the forest and I decided to let it follow us here." "Pure Vanilla, what if it's dangerous, let go of it and let it be in the wild." Holly Berry said concerned about everyone's safety. "I'm making sure I get to know the wolf first before it would be released to the wild again." Crunchy jumped out of his seat and ran to where Pure Vanilla pointed out a nearby bush.

Inside it was the wolf. Crunchy hovered his hand over its head. It looked up and licked it. They then played for a few minutes and by then everyone decided to keep the wolf. "So what's the name then, Crunchy?" Black Raisin asked. "Hm. Cassington. Like Cassette but it's longer." "Alright! Cassington it is! A very nice name!"  Holly Berry commented.


(Long story short: They went back to The Vanilla Kingdom after a few days of staying in Beast-Yeast)


(I'm counting all of  Chapter 9's parts including Smut and stuff-)

(In total we have 2341 words WOOO HOOO)

(You horny ass bitches I can see there is 12 reads for Smut aka part 2 of chapter 9 and 8 reads for the start of Chapter 9:Unknown (i) even tho part one got released earlier than Smut.)

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