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“I'm so tired eomma,” Jimin whispered to Jungkook's mother, Jeon Chae-Yeong, who had his head on her lap. She was massaging his scalp. They had arrived in Busan just the day before as Jungkook's parents had insisted they should all spend time at their home.

Jimin had barely slept despite Jungkook trying to coax him. They had ended up sitting on the balcony and watched the sunrise while cuddling.
“Why don't you try sleeping son?”
“Tried. Everytime I close my eyes I see him.”
“Oh my baby,” Chae-Yeong kissed Jimin's head, “when you told me before you were struggling with that man I never thought he'd put you in such a situation. As a parent, it's so hard to see you in so much pain, I feel powerless.”

“Eomma, do you think it's safe to go to the beach with Jungkookie?”
“I'm sure all the boys would love to take you. You want me to call them?”
“No, I'll just go to them.”
Jimin got out of bed and headed out of the room and proceeded downstairs. He stopped midway when he heard the guys talking.

“I'm telling you it's not a good idea. It's not safe for him, you saw how we were mobbed at Incheon.” Seokjin murmured.

“I just wanted to make him feel better.” He heard Jungkook say who had his back to him.
“We all need to be cautious. All of us are at risk now, you heard what Sejin hyung said. No more going out as we are used to please.” Namjoon told them.

Jimin felt extremely guilty. He tried to remain quiet as he exited the house using the kitchen door. He sat in the backyard holding his head in his hands. It had been three days since they got back from the States. Jeffrey had already been arrested and Park Global had released a statement about the rape video. Alot of people had been surprised to learn that he is the heir of Park Seo Jon. Other people still took Jeffrey's side and there were still threats that were sent to him making everyone around him a target by default.

“I need to get out of here. I have to keep them safe.” Jimin mumbled desperately as he stood up. The worst thing about being desperate was that it made you act rashly and recklessly. In his desperation to keep Jungkook and his hyungs safe he got out of the compound determined to be as far from them as he could. He had no money on him so he just ran in the direction he thought would take him home. He didn't make it far though as some people were already recognizing him. He thought they were really going to hurt him. He took a step back as a lady approached him. His heart beat accelerated.

“Be careful Jiminssi. Where are you going? Are you okay?” She asked kindly.
“You really shouldn't be out here, no disguise at all.” A man said handing him his cape. Jimin stared at it shocked. Why were they so kind?
“I-I want to go home,” Jimin whispered.
“You look like you could use someone to talk to. Why don't we buy you a cup of coffee at that cafe then we'll call someone to pick you up?” The lady pointed to a cafe that was on the other side of the road. Jimin nodded and followed them since alot of people were noticing him too. He put on the cap as the entered the cafe. They led him to the farthest booth from the door and sat down.

“I'm Jaehyun and this is my mum Lee Sung,” the man said standing up, “I'll go get out coffees.” Jimin watched him head to the counter.

“You looked so troubled.”

“I'm feeling lost, I don't know what to do. Everyone around me is in danger so I thought I should get away from them.” Jimin said tears filling his eyes.
“Jimin, what happened to you is absolutely terrible but you cannot run away from the people who love you. That's not how you will solve this. You need them. There will always be haters, people who will never agree with you ever. Your fans are amazing, Army's are also supporting you and alot of other fandoms are showing support to you and Jungkookie. So instead on focusing on the bad, try to look on the positive side. Many organisations are fighting for you also and that man and whoever shares that video again will get what they deserve.” Lee Sung took Jimin's hand and wiped his tears, “Don't run from your family instead fight back with them on your side, okay?” Jimin nodded as he leaned his head on her hand. Jaehyun came back with their coffees.

“Jimin you'll be surprised with how many people want to keep you safe. I know for sure here in Busan nobody will dare to touch you. You are home.” Jaehyun said.
“People still look at me weird.”
“Maybe in Seoul. Here people just want you and your family to be okay. Your dad has done alot for many people and they kinda feel bad for judging you at first.”
“Can I borrow your phone?” Jimin asked Jaehyun who immediately gave it. Jimin dialed Jungkook's number.
Hello.” Jungkook said out of breath.
“Kookie it's me.”
Baby? Where are you? We've been searching for you.
“I'm at the cafe down the road from your house. Will you come get me?”
Ofcourse baby, I'll be there in a few.
Jimin hang up and handed the phone back, “Thank you so much for helping me. And thank you for the advise Mrs. Lee.”

“You need someone to talk to Jimin. Find someone, it's not healthy to bottle up your feelings like that.”
“I will.” They drank their coffee as they waited for Jungkook. Jimin stared out of the window as they told him stories about their life. Jimin laughed heartily. He felt relieved, it had been a while since he laughed like that.


Jimin looked up and saw Jungkook who had a bucket hat that covered most of his face. Jimin stood up and hugged him.
“Was so worried. We have been trying to find you for the last half hour.” Jungkook muttered breathing him in.
“Sorry. I left a while ago. I made new friends. This is Mrs. Lee and her son Jaehyun.” Jimin introduced them to Jungkook who bowed to Mrs. Lee.
“Thank you for taking care of him. I haven't seen him laugh for a while.”
“You are welcome Jungkookie. We should get going now.” Mrs. Lee stood up, “Talk to him Jimin, tell him how you feel. If you ever need me, you can call Jaehyun.”
“Thank you so much.” Jimin hugged her. He bid them goodbye and sat with Jungkook at the booth.

“Are you okay Minnie?”
“I'm not Koo. I need help or I will go crazy.”
Jungkook moved over to Jimin and hugged him, “Anything for you baby. We'll get you help.”
“I heard you and the hyungs earlier. I left because I wanted to keep you safe, I don't want you to get hurt.”
“I won't let that happen. I'll take care of myself and you. Besides we aren't complaining of not being able to go out freely, it's not like we did that before. The hyungs just want to make sure I take precautions that's all. We are all worried about your safety.”
“I'm sorry I left without telling you.”
“It's okay baby. How about we go to the beach now, the hyungs are waiting for us there.”
Jimin smiled at Jungkook. Everything would be okay.

AGAINST THE WORLD //JIKOOK FFWhere stories live. Discover now