Ch. 5 | Convoluted

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❛ What the hell are you feeling ? ❜

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❛ What the hell are you feeling ? ❜


Y/N's POV.

"Listen, something weird is going on." I start off as I shove ice cream into my mouth.

"Y/N, it's going to be okay! Me and Maki are right here, tell us what's going on." Nobara speaks softly to me.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you have this kind of melt down ever since you thought you lost your favorite dino plushie.." Maki says with a slightly concerned look on her face.

"We don't talk about those dark times.." I whisper. "And it's not that easy to say because it's so new and hard to explain!" I whine to Nobara and Maki as they start gathering pillows and blankets they brought and setting them up on the floor neatly.

"Alright, we're gonna have a little sleepover in your room tonight, Y/N." Nobara starts off the sentence.

"And you can't stop this no matter how hard you try," Maki continues Nobara's sentence, "because for as long as I've known you, you only have these types of things happen when something's gotten to you emotionally." Maki says with her index finger up as if saying 'as a matter of fact.'

"Wait, so if it's emotionally related.. then that means we can list things down right quick and try to go ahead and narrow it down to possible things causing this!" Nobara exclaimed rather excited for her genius idea.

"Nice thinking, Nobara." Maki grins at her with a thumbs up and they begin gathering paper and pencils. I hear them whispering and writing downs things and then erasing or crossing out other things. Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here trying to gather words to describe the weird activity going on in my body.

"ALRIGHT. We have three possible reasons for this!" Nobara shouts with a smile.

"And what are they ?" I ask rather curious of my own issue.

"Well the first one is you have some sort of long term illness or disease and you have a deep thought of possibilities of what it might be, but they're all deadly." Maki states with one finger up. "Second one is something from the past has caught up to you and you don't know how to handle it and you're actually emotionally corrupted." she holds up two fingers now. "And the third one is you have a crush on someone." she states unconvinced and sticks out an additional third finger. My ears perk up at the last option however.

"Wait wait wait, what was that third one again ?" I ask them with anticipation all over my face.

"You've gotta cruuuuush~" Nobara sang in a teasing voice and wiggles her eyebrows.

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