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" No Sunflowers? That sucks," Charlene grumbled as she glared at the bedding in their perfect plastic packaging.

There was many floral bedding. Roses, Daisies and even Lilies. But sadly no Sunflowers.

She looked over at the action figure printed bedding and almost groaned out loud, just barely stopping herself.

There was Barbie, John Cena and even Jack Sparrow and the infamous Black Pearl from Pirates of the Carribean.

She walked over to that shelf, pulling out one set of the Ninja Turtles.

She'd rather go with that than Barbie or Captain America. Not that she was a fan of the Ninja Turtles, though. She just didn't want America's ass on her bed.

Then just as she's about to walk away with her Ninja Turtles bedding, her eye caught one of a witchy theme print. The witch printed on it looked almost like Hermione Granger of the famous Harry Potter series, but her hair was red like a Weasleys instead of brown.

She had a big black cat and a cauldron right next to her as well as a broomstick with little witchy stars and a moon with a flying witch in the background.

" Oh, oh, I want this one!," she exclaimed happily, picking it up and placing the Ninja Turtles bedding where the witchy theme print bedding had once resided.

Charlie smiled at her antics. He hadn't known that the girl would be into bedding with witches and whatnot printed on it.

"Alright, now for your curtains next, Kid," he said, looking around, smiling wider when he saw the matching witchy theme printed curtains on a shelf not too far away. He went to pick it up before grabbing some pillows and walking to the checkout point.

Charlene followed him quickly and after paying for the bedding and everything else, they went to a small restaurant where they ate lunch.

Charlene was very happy.
The day started out bad for her because of the weather, but it changed as the hours passed by. She was having fun and didn't mind having missed the trip to First Beach.

Charlie wasn't so awkward to be around anymore today either. He acted like any other father who loved his kids and liked spending time with them. He was actually a lot of fun to hang out with.

She wondered how it would've been like if her mother hadn't ran like Bella's mother did. Would she have been happy now? Would Arlene still be alive?

She knew that it was no use thinking about what could've been, but she just couldn't help it.

She really is happy now with a loving parent to care for her. Her mother had loved her too. If she hadn't died, she might've been with her now.

After lunch they drove back to Forks where they immediately started setting up her room like she wanted it.

Charlie had been right about the room up in the attic. There was also a short corridor that lead to some storage space with boxes and old furniture crammed in there.

Charlie checked the bed out for her and luckily it was one of those solid iron affairs that one saw in the old movies and it had a dull copper shine to it.

" We'll probably have to polish it to shine like new copper, but other than that it looks and feels sturdy enough. Now we just need to find you a mattress. I am fairly certain that there's one somewhere in this mess. I'll check it out for you and you can go get the vacuum cleaner in the cleaning supply closet downstairs. The mattress might be all dusty, judging by all the dust in here."

She nodded, turning on her heels to go do that. Her hope was that the mattress wasn't as uncomfortable as the one on her father's bed.

They had the room sorted out by dinner and she felt quite happy about it. It looked fairly decent with the new bedding and the mattress that seemed to never have been in use. She had a small closet and a dresser as well as a small desk and chair. Charlie promised to look for a good working second-hand computer for her later.

Charlene had hugged him and thanked him for all the help and everything. His face turned bright red at that. Bella wasn't the hugging type, but this kid seemed to love handing them out as much as receiving them, so he hugged her for a long while reveling in the feeling of comfort it brought him.

When Bella came home they ordered takeout and she told them about her day and Jacob Black being there.

" He sends his greetings ,Dad ," she said to Charlie who only nodded and she continued directing a question to Charlene,  "How had your day been?"

"Great. I have a room now, and Dad doesn't have to sleep on the couch anymore. It's just as big as yours, and it'd been quite dusty. I didn't get sunflower printed bedding, but I got one with a witchy theme print. You should come and see it. It looks cool."

Bella smiled at her. " Sure. I'll come look at it after dinner," she promised.

Charlie smiled at his girls. It was a surprise to him that they got along so well. He'd been worried about it, but now it was a blessing. He wouldn't like there to be disunity in his household.
Her first two nights in her new room passed by quickly and then Monday came along, and she wished wholeheartedly that the weekend had never passed by.

First class was English and she sat beside Sara who told her about her weekend. Sara had been ill after an injection the doctor had given her. It hadn't been the wrong medicine, but this kind of injection always made Sara feel sick. Charlene didn't ask her why she got the injection because it wasn't her business. Sara would tell her when she truly wanted to.

"I didn't go to the beach either," Charlene informed her,"My Dad took me to Port Angeles to buy bedding for my room. Bella said that the weather had been exceptionally bad at the beach, but she had a great time, anyway."

Sara smiled. " That's good to hear. You and I can go another time,right? And we can ask Joslynn along as well. She said that she regrets not going to the beach. Her cousins had been real pains in her backside."

Sara never said the A word or the B word. Frankly, Charlene didn't like swearing either. She didn't get the appeal.

"We'll do that in the Summer. If you're not going on vacation, that is."

Sara shrugged. " I don't know. Oh, boy, why's Emmett Cullen here in our class today? Don't tell me Miss Jackson had decided to give us a senior to help us also. How good do you think he is with English grammar and all that jazz?"

Charlene shrugged in turn. " I don't know. We'll ask Felicity later when we see her in art class."

Emmett Cullen looked their way as if he heard them, which was impossible, seeing as he was in the front of the class and they are in the back. Did he have supersonic hearing?

That made Charlene frown slightly and scoff mentally. She knew that she was being ridiculous. It could be a coincidence that Emmett looked their way on the same moment they spoke of him. Of course he didn't hear them.

" Let's just do our work and forget about senior boys," she said to Sara who wouldn't stop gawking at the big bear of a Cullen boy.
Here we go. Another one.

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