2012 Raph x Reader

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(Leo knows that Raph likes you, but he's too scared to tell you. Leo flirts with you to get Raph jealous enough to confess.)


You were in the living room, beating the shell off of Mikey in video games.

"Dang it, (Y/N). You're too good."

You glanced to your left when you felt like someone was staring at you; luckily you were right. You caught Raph staring at you. When he met eyes with yours, he ducked his head back into the comic he was reading. You smiled, but you decided not to say anything about it.

"What are you guys up to?" Leo asked, walking into the living room. "(Y/N) keeps beating me in video games!" Leo chuckled as he sat next to you, "Well, she is the best." he winks at you. You blush and lower your head slightly in embarrassment, "Leo, you're to sweet." 

"Nope, just saying the truth." he replies, turning his head to his brother, almost challenging him to say something.

Raph was so upset, but didn't dare say anything. Leo knew that Raph liked you, but... why? Why would he do this? Aren't brothers supposed to help each other out? He sighed, was this revenge for not liking Karai? He gripped the comic tighter as pure rage went through him. 

You could hear the paper crumbling before turning your head back to Raph, "Are you okay?" Uh oh, Raph didn't mean to get your attention. "Um, yeah. Everything's fine." he growled, not allowing himself to explode on you before he got up and walked away to his room. 

"What did we do?!" Mikey shouted after his upset brother. "Let him go." Leo replied, stopping Mikey from chasing him. He had that all-knowing glance in his eyes, he knew why Raph was upset.

"What if I try to talk to him?" Leo glanced at you and smiled, "He would love that, go and talk to him." You were so confused, why in the world would he love that? 

You yelped as Leo started dragging you to Raph's room, who's door was shut. "Good luck, (Y/N)." Leo whispered, giving you a thumbs-up before walking away. 

You inhaled deeply then knocked. You spoke after only silence came from it. "Raph, it's me. I just wanna know if you're okay..." You exhaled after hearing the door click, letting you know that it was unlocked.

You twisted the handle and opened the door slowly. "Raph?" He was laying on his bed, his face was in pillows.

You sighed, sitting next to him; acting as gentle as you could. "What's wrong?" Silence overtook you two before Raph finally spoke, "Do you like Leo?" you flinched, not expecting him to speak. 

You sigh, "Leo's a really great guy, and he'll get a great person by his side one day, but... that person's not me." You answer honestly, not daring to look Raph's direction, "Honestly, my heart belongs to another guy..." 

Raph jolts up, "What d'you mean? Leo obviously likes ya!" You shrugged, "Maybe... but, I don't like him like that..." You smiled weakly at Raph.

"But... I think another guy likes me, and I like him back..."

His heart skipped a beat, were you talking about him? It was him. Please let it be him... 

"He keeps staring at me, like he's scared of what to say."

He tensed, now he knew it was him. 

"(Y/N) I-"

"And the way he stormed off earlier, tells me that he was jealous." you interrupted, glancing to Raph with a knowing gaze.

"(Y/N)..." Raph was frozen. He had never been this afraid of someone before...

Guess you'd have to make the moves here...

You quickly reached up and grabbed his chin, capturing his lips with yours. You were going to show him just how much you loved him, and he accepted. He pulled away, eyes lidded as he pulled you closer; wanting to kiss you again. 

God, he was glad that you came.

( Thank you so much for reading! I know I don't really say it, but I really do appreciate you all. <3)

-Author out

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