ROTTMNT Protective! Leo x Reader

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(Leo finds out that your boyfriend has been throwing hands with you.)
Why in the world did she flinch?! Did she think I would hurt her?! She knows that I wouldn't! Then why...? Leo contemplated in his room, he was staring up at his ceiling. What was going on with you? He didn't admit it, but that moment when you were scared to death of him, really hurt him. He tried his damnedst to make sure that you felt safe with him, to make you feel like you could run to him if anything happened. It was what you deserved.

When you told him that you got a boyfriend, he was happy for you, sure; but, he felt a little jealous too. You were quite a catch, pretty hair, pretty eyes and to top it all off, you also had the personality. You were kind, gentle, but also sarcastic, sassy when you needed to be. Leo felt on top of the world when he was with you, it didn't take him long to fall for you. You had an incredible sense of humor, very pretty but also humble, not judgmental with anyone, by his side through thick and thin. Basically, everything he ever wanted in a partner. He sighed, if only he knew what was going on.

You've been acting weird ever since you met the guy, coming in the lair with long sleeves on, even when it was like a hundred degrees outside; you'd started wearing sunglasses, even though it wasn't sunny outside. You've been quiet, reserved, shy; Leo was completely blind sided to this whole situation, you weren't like this at all! Leo didn't want to, god, he didn't want to, but he had his suspicions about your "boyfriend", he hoped to god that he was wrong; you didn't deserve that, and Leo would end up in prison for attempted murder.

His phone lit up and started blaring, letting him know that someone was calling him, it nearly scared him to death. He picked it up, smiling to himself when he saw your name and that goofy profile pic that you two made together, "Hell-" "Leo! I need your help right now!" You sounded panicked and also out of breath like had been running for hours, "Woah! Woah! Woah! Chill out, (n/n)! Now what's going on?" His smirk fell, inwardly panicked himself, "He hit me! He-he promised he wouldn't do it again, he lied! Leo, I need you!" He nearly dropped his phone, scrambling to come to you. That mother- HE HIT YOU?!?! That was enough for Leo to mess him up, but for now, he needed to make sure that you were safe. "(Y/N), where are you?!" "I-I don't know, I had to get away from him." You broke down, sobbing. "(N/n), you need to tell me where you're at..." Leo sighed as his voice softened, "I'd like to comfort you in person, you know." You smiled, "I'd like that too... Hey, I can send you my location from my phone." You sniffled, finally calming down. "Yeah, that could work." Leo replied, "Leo please, hurry. I don't want him to find me..." Leo narrowed his eyes, "Don't worry, I'll make sure that he won't..."

Leo arrived shortly after, not wasting any time to run to you. He quickly wrapped his arms around you; holding you close to him, closing his eyes, rubbing your back and shushing you quietly as you were sobbing to him. "It's okay, hermosa... bonita....mi novia..." You smiled softly, you didn't know what that meant, but he always used Spanish when he was comforting you, you loved it, and he realized, that's why he kept doing it. He suddenly kissed your temple, making you flare up with blush, "(Y/N)," he shifted his arms, making you back away, "you know that you could run to me, right?" He looked hurt, "Of course, Leo, I-" "This wasn't the first time..." Leo interrupted, "You could have left him the first time and run to me! You know that I would have protected you!" He spoke again, he was angry. You two were stuck together, you told him anything and everything, and he did the same, "Leo I-" You tried to speak again, but you couldn't find the words, "I knew you more than that dickhead, he didn't know your favorite color or your favorite song like I did! You were my everything, (Y/N)!" Tears pricked the outside of his eyes, "You know that I belong with you! I wanna protect you and laugh with you, to cry with you, to be with you, always." He snapped his mouth shut when he realized what he was saying. You smiled, "You really feel that way?" He nodded, slightly confused by why he was suddenly so nervous. He looked up when you grabbed his cheek softly, holding it. He lifted his hand, and grabbed it. "I feel that way too." You smile softly as you wrap your arms around him. (Almost every night, I dream of you. Hopefully I won't wake up this time. I won't wake up this time! I won't wake up this time! I won't wake up this time!)

This really felt like a dream as he hugged you back, smiling softly as he hid his face in your neck. "I'm sorry for not paying attention to your feelings..." you whispered, " I wasn't going to tell you, it would be weird..." You pulled away, "What?! Your feelings are not weird!" Leo stared at you, smiling softly, "You really are the best..." He said, holding his hand out, "C'mon let's go, it's been a long day, you seem tired."

He smiled as you took his hand, thankful that you wanted to go with him. In all honesty, he'd feel better knowing that you were safe...

(So, I couldn't sleep, so here's this lol.)
-Author out

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