2012 Leo x Reader- Kidnapped

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(You had been kidnapped by Tigerclaw to be brought to Shredder; he asked for you. Leo feels like it's his fault and goes to find you.)


You were exhausted, after hanging out with Mikey all day; you loved him, you really did, but he was way to energized for you. You really wanted to go home and sleep.

But, none of the brothers were back and you knew that Leo hated you walking home by yourself. You shrugged your shoulders, who knows when they'll be back? Plus, what are the chances that something will happen? 

You rose slowly, sore from Mikey dragging you everywhere. Sighing, you checked out the lair's entrance. As you suspected, it was dark and quiet, no sign of life anywhere.

You took a look back before you quietly escaped into the sewers. It wasn't long before you made it to the surface.

You moved quietly, hopefully you wouldn't see the turtles (I think you'd rather see them than what's coming.) You made sure to walk on your toes so you wouldn't attract any noise and made your way to your apartment.

"What's a little cub like you out so late?" you heard a voice from above that made you freeze with fear, you knew that voice. He growled before he jumped down, foot soldiers surrounded you as he came closer. "Where's your protection?"

You gulped as you tried to back away, to no avail. "Although, Shredder has no use of them as of right now. He's asked for you." You were shocked, you? Why did Shredder want you?

Tigerclaw reached for your arm, you pulled it away out of reflex. He breathed a chuckle, "Do not fight fate, young one. Come with me calmly, or there will be consequences." He held his hand out, no sign of violence. Yet.

You gulped, you knew what he meant; you've seen what he can do. You sighed, there was no way out now; and if you screamed for help you knew that he would knock you out before you got anyone's attention.

You were broken with helplessness as you slowly rose your hand to connect with his. He grasped your hand tightly, now limiting your chances to escape. "Wise choice." was all he said before leaping with you in his arms.

You whimpered slightly as you saw Shredder's lair get closer and closer. Why didn't you just stay in the lair?! This was what Leo was afraid of! Leo.... you shut your eyes, holding back any tears that were coming, I'm so sorry, please forgive me. 

You had stopped, you looked around. Noticing now that you were somewhere cold and dark. "We've got the girl." Tigerclaw launched you out of his arms; you hit the ground with a thump, yelping out in pain.

"Ah, (Y/N) I hope Tigerclaw has treated you well." You froze, that voice... No, this wasn't happening! This can't be happening! Shredder?! How did he know your name?! You looked over to see Shredder looking over you while sitting

"I'll never tell you where they are!" you growled; that determined part of you wouldn't let you anyway. Shredder stood up, "Now, now, calm yourself. I haven't asked you to, and I won't. You see, once your saviors find out that you're here; they'll come looking for you and I'll have all of them here, I won't need you then, understand?"

Your eyes widened as you understood. You were bait for the turtles. "No, please don't hurt them!" You begged him. 


The turtles arrived home. Tired after they faced the Kraang. Leo, however was just happy to see you when they got back; but as he searched for you throughout the lair, he grew worried. You weren't anywhere to be seen. 

"Has anyone seen (Y/N)?" he asked his brothers. They weren't as concerned as he was, he could just tell. Mikey and Donnie shook their heads. Raph shook his head too, "Relax bro, she probably went home." 

At that moment, Leo hoped he was right. He didn't like you walking home in the dark by yourself; you must've had a really good reason  to leave when they were gone.

A bad feeling, a really bad feeling hit him. He called your phone several times; he just wanted to hear your voice and you to tell him that you were okay. But, he got your voicemail instead. He grew more worried to the point to where he was scared. You always picked up your phone, even at this time of night.

He was panicking, he couldn't help it. You were important to him. Raph noticed his brothers' distress, "Leo, what's going on?" "She isn't answering!" he almost whined.

"And? Leo it's almost 2 o'clock in the morning. Of course, she won't answer!" "You don't understand... she always answers!" He argued back to his brother, his voice rising slightly out of panic. 

"Geez, chill out. If you're so worried just go check on her." Raph threw his hands up, too tired to start fights. Leo's eyes widened, of course he could just check on you! Why didn't he think of that?

He raced to the entrance, his heart beating fast because of the panic. It didn't take him long to head to the surface. 

He leapt from rooftop to rooftop, hoping to god that you had just fallen into a deep sleep.

He saw something shiny that halted him from going to you. Curious, he bounded to the shiny thing below him. No! It can't be! He shakily picked up a phone, but not just any phone, it was your phone. It was shattered, Leo deducted that you had dropped it out of panic and fear.

The way that it shattered, told Leo that you dropped it when you were far up. His eyes widened, who would do this? 

He turned around slightly, gasping when he saw a shuriken stuck in a wall; suddenly it hit him all at once. Shredder wanted you, he told Tigerclaw, Bradford or whoever else, to come capture you. This is all my fault! Leo wailed inside his head, taking your shattered phone with him.

Nothing else mattered, he just wanted you safe and sound at that moment. But, he also knew he needed his brothers. He sank back into the sewers and eventually back into the lair.

Donnie was the first to greet him, looking up from his computer, "Leo? Are you okay?" His eyes widened as he saw your shattered phone in Leo's hands, "Is that (Y/N)'s? Leo, what happened?" Donnie jolted up, looking over his brother.

"Shredder took her!" He almost wailed to his brother, "He took her and it's all my fault!"   

"What?!" Donnie took his brother into his arms, scratching his shell like he used to when he calmed him when they were kids. "I found a shuriken. Ninja's only have them. Which means..." "Shredder was there." Donnie finished his sentence.

Leo pulled away from him, nodding sadly. "Guys!" Donnie alerted the others who came racing in, "This had better be good!" Raph stopped as soon as he saw your phone in Leo's hands. "Oh no..." Mikey whispered.

"(Y/N) was captured, we think by Shredder." Donnie informed the others as Leo stood there in silence; he was scared, did they hurt you? 

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get her!" Raph responded after the brothers fell into silence.

(There will be a part 2. I feel like this is running a bit long, lol. I woke myself up having this idea and had to write it down. It's so early in the morning that I forgot how to spell "scratch"; I'm not even joking. Anyway, I do hope that you enjoyed this ^^)

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