12. chess and chats

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Sorry for not updating, been going through some stuff lolz. I'm back now.

Word count: 1033


My eyes flicker at the sunlight that's beaming through the blinds, I move my hair out of my face and turn to my left to see Scarlett hair sprawled over my pillows.
Nat's back slowly moves up and down as her breath slightly moves the hair Infront of her face, it takes me a second to realise that her arm as over my stomach and her legs are tangled with mine, I smile and I try to get out of bed without waking her up, I successfully untangle myself and get of the bed, Nat rolls over with a displeased groan and i go through to my bathroom to get myself ready.

It's 9am so I decided to go and make breakfast for both of us, I walk through to the kitchen in a sports bra, black joggers and some miss matched socks.
I turn the corner to Wanda and Peter curled up on the sofa with pop tarts on their plates and some random sit-com on the TV,
"Morning Miss Y/N." Peter greets my as I open the fridge for the bacon, eggs and sausages.
"Happy Friday Peter, Good morning Witchy"
I say with a smile on my face. She says morning back and they go back to eating their food.

I start to fry the bacon and cook the sausages, I rummage around in the cupboards for some baked beans, to my surprise there was a tin of beans at the back, still very much in date, I chear to myself and start cooking them. If I haven't told you before, I was born and grew up in England, I moved here when I was 12 when my mum needed treatment for her Abetalipoproteinemia, I never really knew what it was but it had something to do with her protein, she was very sick so we came to America for treatment, It didn't work and she passed away when I turned 15.

I'm making a classic English breakfast, fried eggs, bacon, sausages and baked beans.

I Finnish plating the meal when all of a sudden I hear loud footsteps and an angry Thor, "J.A.R.V.I.S JUST TOLD ME THAT SOMEONE HAS EATEN MY BELOVED POP TARTS FOR BREAKFAST."

I see Peter and Wanda widen their eyes, slowly stand up, walk towards me and put their plates in the sink, all of a sudden they break out into a sprint and run past Thor screaming apologies and profanities while he frantically chases them.

I laugh and take the food upstairs to my room where Nat is, she is sat up with one of my sketch books in her hands, I walk towards her and put the plates down on the bed, she looks up for the book and smiles at me,
"These are awesome, sorry for going through it, my curiosity got the better of me." She says with a guilty smile on her face, I laugh and thank her, she takes the breakfast and eats most of it, only leaving the odd bits, I Finnish mine and I take the plates and bring them back down to the kitchen.

I see Sam, bucky and Steve come through the door, Sam Is all sweaty and panting while the other two look completely fine other than a bit of sweat here and there.

They all smile at me, Bucky waves and Steve says good morning as Sam patts my shoulder as they walk into the elevator. I put my dishes in the dishwasher, and go back up to our room.

As I walk to the door, I hear Natasha shuffling around, so I knock on the door before walking in. She tells me to come in and I open the door to see her struggling to pull her hoodie over her head. I walk up to her and giggle to myself and pull it down for her, only to notice that it's my jumper.
"Nat, is that my hoddie that you have kidnapped?" I say while holding my hands on her waist.
"No...." She says timidly before breaking into a sprint off into the hallway.
"NATASHA GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW DOLL!" I shouted after her while making a run for it after her, I quickly caught up, she was wearing socks, ergo she was sliding all offer the place where I had slipped some shoes on earlier.

I ended up cornering her in the living room and she giggled and threw herself at me and wrapped her legs around me. I sit down on the sofa and she sits next to me when I notice that Peter and Bucky are playing a game of chess and they seem to be stuck in a stalemate.

Bucky doesn't notice that he has Peter in check with his knight, I reach forward and take the piece in my hand and knock over Peter's king. The boy throws is arms in the air and shouts,
"OH COME ON Y/N HOW DID I NOT SEE THAT?" I laugh and Bucky lifts his fists up in the air, and then turns his head to me.
"Yes!!! Y/n you are a bloody legend. We have been playing this Match for half an hour, I was about to throw the board at the kids face." He reaches forward and shakes my hand.

I laugh and stand up, throwing Nat over my shoulder and walking away to my bedroom.

We get there and I throw the red head down onto the bed.
"I think it's time I get my clothes back, don't you?" I say while crawling over the top of her, she leans up to me and puts her hand on the back of my head and takes a handful of my hair, curls wrapped up in her fingers, she pulls my face down to hers and puts her lips on mine, my hands roam under her (my) jumper and I draw patterns on her stomach.


It's short I know I'm sorry! But there will be smut in the next chapter.... Mweheheheee love you all! Mwa PLEASE VOTE .

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