7. A place of nightmares (for demons)

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Chapter 7
~A place of nightmares (for demons)~

"A fair?" Gabriel asked, a look of dismay on his face. They had travelled all the way through Wales for a small fair in a car park behind a lidl. The noise was booming. Beelzebub had gotten a tip that they would be here, and had dragged Gabriel along with them.
He'd never been around so many humans at one time. Neither had Beelzebub.

"There's that... evil feeling here," Beelzebub admitted. "I love it!"

"What should we do first?" and then Gabriel was being dragged along to a massive set of tea cups. He gulped. Beelzebub handed the man collecting the tickets 6 tickets and the duo sat down in one of the cups. "What does this one do?"

"It spins around the track, and also in a circle- Ithink" Beelzebub noted. After the other cups had filled up, the ride began.

Both the Angel and the Demon loved it! They were screaming the whole time in pure joy. They went another 3 times. Gabriel was the one who enjoyed it more.

"I didn't know that humans could make such things!" Gabriel had exclaimed, a smile on his face. Beelzebub was pulling him along with them to the next ride.

"Neither did i" they agreed. Beelzebub looked around. They saw Crowley and Aziraphale on a ride called "Miami trip". They both looked happy as they held hands as they went round and up on the ride. Both of them had failed to see that Adam Young was also with Aziraphale and Crowley.
Beelzebub looked for the closest ride, which happened to be a ride called "snow storm"

"Come on!" Gabriel wasn't fused into not trying to hide that he had no interest in spying on Aziraphale and Crowley, and so he dragged Beelzebub with him to the ride. When they sat down, he was the one to hand the yellow tickets to the person who came around to collect them.
Beelzebub was still staring at Aziraphale and Crowley. Who had not seemed to notice them. And if they had, they didn't seem bothered at all.
And so the 'snow storm' started up, it started spinning around slowly.

"This seems slow," Beelzebub commented. And so the ride began to pick up speed.

"It's getting faster!" Gabriel exclaimed, sounding much like a child. As the ride progressed and got faster, the more Beelzebub seemed to be pressed into Gabriel. Not that he minded.
Beelzebub's face was a mix between going pail from the ride, and getting super red. "Are you alright?" Gabriel asked. Beelzebub just nodded. Somehow Beelzebub was pushed harder into Gabriel due to the speed of the snow storm.
When the ride finished, Beelzebub practically ran off the ride. Gabriel found them sitting on a bench, when he finally managed to get off and out of the hordes of humans.

"We can leave if you want to?" He suggested as he sat down next to them. They shook their heads.

"It's fine, I want to stay, '' they admitted. A slight buzz had come into their voice. And so they started looking around again. When suddenly Gabriel felt someone pulling on his back.

"Adam," he said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here with Uncle Zira and Uncle Crowley," Adam announced. He looked over both Gabriel and Beelzebub, before releasing who Gabriel was with. "Wait uncle Gabe, why are you with the weird bug woman from the air base?"

"Did he just call you uncle gabe?" Beelzebub questioned. "And I am not weird, you're the weird one. Your the one who refused to start the apocalypse"

"Well, if I hadn't either one of you wouldn't be here right now" Adam says. "And besides, earth isn't that bad. These rides are amazing!'' the newly 12 year old says.

"He's not totally wrong, you know, about the war part" Gabriel says, his voice low. Scared of whatever reaction Beelzebub is going to have. But there's no time for that. Because suddenly out of nowhere Crowley comes running.

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