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The farm was peaceful. You were all a nice family. You and Monty got married. Bonnie and Freddy were too. Same with Roxy and Chica. Sun and Moon had fun taking care of the house and animals. Everyone tried new hobbies or ideas. Roxy tried piano and Chica had a passion for art. Sun ended up getting a job as a school teacher with Moon as an assistant. Freddy and Bonnie kept their spark, making each other happy. The animatronics got houses of there own but they all stayed in a close range. They were still family. They loved each other. Monty was a great husband, still is. He helps around the house and with the livestock. You were happy that you all got away from the place. Finally settling down and making a home. You smiled as you walked into the nursery. Monty held the baby so gently. You sat next to him and he kissed your forehead.

Monty: I love you, Cher

Y/N: I love you too, Monty

He held your hand as he gently rocked the baby to sleep. Finally, the family you dreamed of, and with someone special. Their baby is healthy and they're happy as can be. Monty and Y/N loved each other and still do To this day. The lovers got their happy ending and it couldn't be better. <3

(( I hope you guys liked this short story, I did have fun writing it. I love y'all :) thank you again for reading and I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. IM NF DISAPPEARING THOUGH! I WILL TRY AND WRITE MORE BUT SCHOOL IS COMING UP SO BEAR WITH ME LOL , I will still try, thank you again TY
Words: 300 <3 Love you guys and thank you for reading

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