The Pizzaplex

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It was around noon and you headed to the Pizzaplex to meet with a friend of yours. You grabbed a jacket and were on your way there when you got a message from your friend saying they couldn't make it. You sighed and continued driving. You might as well check it out anyway instead of driving all the way back home.
Once there, you look at the huge building, feeling smaller as you get closer to the doors. You go in and are greeted with 80s/90s music and bright colors. It's a nice setup considering that you just got bailed on.
You check in at the counter and head through the building. You keep looking around at the lights and colors within the place. You make your way to the main atrium, hearing children getting louder as you get closer. You roll your eyes and see what all the commotion was about. You're met with the brightly colored animatronics performing on stage.

Y/n: Woah..

You don't know what to say so you just join the crowd, watching as these figures move and perform to kids of different ages.

Once the show ends it seems to calm down till full tidal waves of children almost knock you over, heading to what seemed to be where the autographing was taking place. You head over just to watch how these animatronic handle all this. You smile and see these kids in rockstar row, talking and taking pictures with these robots. It seems fun to some extent. You through all the animatronics but your eyes land on one. A gator. How weird, wasn't there a bunny when you were younger? He still wasn't a bad animatronic none the less.

He feels the sensation that he's being watched and looks in your direction. You look away and walk around to have a look at the rest of the attractions.

You think for a moment on where other adults would be.

Racing? No probably not. Laser tag? Too much commotion to relax. Exercise? No. Golf. That would be relaxing, right? You head to Monty Golf and sit at one of the benches to relax. You lose track of time and fall asleep.
You awake to a voice talking to you and gently trying to wake you up. You open your eyes and focus on the figure. A tall green gator. The one you saw earlier. Shit..

Monty:Ya' lost, Cher?

He smiles as you feel your face turn red. You stand up and look up at him. Jeez he still towers over you..

Y/n: Im so sorry. I just fell asleep trying to find some place to relax.

He stops you and chuckles. His voice is deep and soft as he speaks but still sounds tough and intimidating with his size.

Monty: I never said you're in trouble, I don't mind. I'm just lettin' you be aware that we're open. Don't want some rowdy kid gettin' up in your business. I certainly wouldn't want that if I was sleepin'.

You smile and mess with your hair.

Y/n: well thank you sir for that, I appreciate it.

He slightly blushes at the way you see him as an authority figure.

Monty:please, Monty is fine. You don't have to go with the fancy stuff.

You just now notice what you said but nod anyway. He keeps talking to you, it's a nice conversation to say the least.

Monty: I never quite caught your name, even though it's none of my business. I would like to know who I'm talking to.

You smiled and hold out your hand, a little nervous at first.

Y/n: it's Y/n, and you?

He takes it and gently shakes it. You feel stupid for asking for his name again but he plays it off.

Monty: Montgomery Gator. It's a pleasure meetin' a pretty woman like yourself.

He smirks and you blush. He lets go and puts his hand on his hip.

Monty: so. Ya' work here by any chance?

You shake your head and look at his red eyes just to see them calmly looking down back at yours.

Y/n: I actually don't, I came here to meet with a friend but.. they canceled plans on me.

He looks away for a moment as though he's thinking of something. He looks back at you and smiles.

Monty:Well we're lookin' for a new maintenance worker down in the arcade. I'll put in a good word for ya'

You beam at the thought of seeing this place more often. You nodded quickly and he hands you a golf club. You take it confused.

Monty:well. You wanna play some golf?

((785 words

An Alligator's Bellow ( Monty Gator X female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now