valentine's day

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mikes pov.
i'm at wills house working on a project for school. we chose to pair up in class for this stupid art project about drawing what you both love. it's one of those cheesy holiday projects they give you to keep you busy since tomorrow's valentine's day.
"so will, what do you love?" i raise my eyebrows teasingly.
"i love my family. my mom, my brother, my friends. i don't know..." he shrugs.
"so you looovvee me?" i grin.
"no mike everyone except you." he rolls his eyes. i sit in his chair spinning it around to see him. he's so cute but really scared he doesn't like me. i've liked him for years just recently realizing this wasn't a normal thing to feel between you and your best friend. it took a long awkward talk with nancy after she read my journal thinking it was hers and i stole it to realize how i really feel about will.
"aw no my heart." i put my hand on my heart mimicking a sad face and he laughs at me. i laugh with him mostly because his laugh is so contagious you always catch yourself laughing with him.
"your hair." he laughs again.
"what's wrong with my hair will?" i scrunch my eyebrows confused.
"there's a piece sticking up." he smiles looking at me. he reaches in to fix it when i spin the chair knocking him into my lap.
"oh uhm- sorry." i say shocked.
"it's okay mike." he turns a pale shade of red averting his gaze from me.
"here i can help you get up- if you want." i hesitate.
"no i- i'll stay." he laughs faintly.
"oh okay." i smile.
"your hair still isn't fixed." he looks back up at me pulling my face closer to adjust the hair. i turn his head fully towards me.
"will i-" he looks at me with his innocent hazelnut eyes and i can't even finish my sentence when i notice how close we are. i look down at his lips more like staring. i studied them for a few seconds before quickly leaning in to kiss him. kissing for several seconds before pulling away just as fast. he has a shocked look on his face looking taken a back by what i had done. he gets up from the chair running into the bathroom. i leave his house confused tears pouring out of my eyes as i bike home. did he like it? does he hate me now? are we still best friends? is he okay? thoughts flooded my head overwhelming me. i needed to talk to someone but i don't have anyone to talk to so i go to the last person i would ever want to talk to about my first kiss. i rush up to nancy's room and knock on the door loudly.
"nance it's me we need to talk. i need help." i continue to knock.
"alright alright come in dipshit." she says reluctantly. i sit on her bed wiping the tears away trying to hide that i was crying.
"hey what's wrong?" she puts her hand on my shoulder. i burst out into more tears.
"it's will-" my voice cracks.
"what happened?" she tilts her head.
"i-i-i kissed him. and then he ran away." i cry.
"oh mike it's okay." she hugs me.
"did you talk to him?" my tears falling onto her shirt.
"no. i left after we kissed." i calm down a bit more now.
"can you give me more details mike? not about the kiss but about what happened before and after?" i nod.
"so he was laughing at me because of my hair and he goes to fix it then i spin the chair and he falls into my lap then i offer to help him up. then he says he wants to stay then i kissed him and he had this look when i pulled away like he was surprised. i don't know." i take a deep breath holding onto my sister.
"what kind of look? like an 'oh shit i don't like this' or a 'i can't believe that just happened'?"she pulls away to look at me.
"i don't fucking know nancy. i guess more like the second one. he didn't look upset." i shrug.
"he doesn't hate you mike. he was probably just overwhelmed with emotions so he ran to think. just talk to him okay?" she looks into my eyes sounding sincere.
"okay thanks nance." i get up from her bed leaving her room.
"no problem mike." she says as i walk away. how the fuck am i going to tell him how i feel tomorrow if all days. it's valentine's day tomorrow the most romantic day of the year. well i know i already decorated his locker after school today but i imagine it'll be full of notes not only from me. that's why i have to make it good. so i write, i write for hours going through lots of paper just to get it right for this boy.

dear will,
happy valentine's day! im sorry about yesterday i should've asked and im sorry if i over stepped but there's something i need to tell you which is why im writing this note. since the day i met you i knew you were different. different from the other kids. like me. and look at us now we're best friends ever since but will there's always been something about you. different from my other friends, different from the rest of the party. i felt something for you that i hadn't felt for any of my other friends. this warm fuzzy feeling when you're around and my skin heating up when you get close. i knew there was something different between us and it's just that...will, i really really like you. not in a best friend kind of way. in a 'i would do anything for you' kind of way. i mean that with my whole heart will. in fact i mean this whole thing. i spent hours writing this just to get it right for you, all for you will. i would give up anything for you will i would. i truly believe you're the most amazing person i've ever met. you're loving, kind, sweet, funny and will, you're the prettiest boy i've ever seen. so will you be my will?
love, your best friend mike

i carefully fold the note putting it in a pink envelope on my desk.
the next day arrives in a flash i stuff the note into my bag and rush out the door. making it perfectly early arriving at the same time as will.
"hey will." i look over at him. we place our bikes on the rack walking into school together.
"hi mike." he smiles. i walk him to his locker and as he opens it he i'm shocker to see only my gifts for him. he a flood of joy rolls over him. he smiles looking at the pink and red ribbons lucas and dustin helped me cut. and the little flowers in each corner of his locker. and a small bag of candy consisting of reeses pieces and chocolate kisses. he picks up the bag and reads the tag,
to will, love mike. he turns to me and hugs me tight my with his hands wrapped around my neck.
"thank you." i feel the tears fall from his face into my shirt. i look at him, teary eyed smiling up at me and i wipe the tears from his face with my thumbs.
"do you wanna go somewhere with me? you're gonna have to trust me okay?" i say to him. he nods taking my hand as we run down the hallways leaving school. he brings the bag of candy with him.
"here hop on." i point to my bike. we don't usually do this because he has his own bike but i thought why not just this once? i ride my bike until we reach this hill near dustin's house. he smiles as he realizes where we are and runs up the hill.
"will wait up!" i run after him. i'm not able to keep up with him before he reaches the top. he's more agile and fast then me he always has been. he chooses a spot sitting in the grass and i join him.
" do you like it?" i ask looking at his pretty face.
"yes this is perfect thank you mike." he places his hand on mine grasping it. he starts to eat from the candy bag still holding my hand, looking out into the flowers.
"uh hey will?" he looks over at me.
"yeah what is it?" he tilts his head.
"i have something else to give you..." i reach into my bag grabbing the letter i wrote him. i hand it to him and he sets down the candy to open it. i fidget with my hands as he reads it the more he smiles the redder my face gets.
"oh mike..." he grabs my face in his hands.
"you really mean it?" he sincerely asks.
"yes will i mean every word." i nod.
"well i have something to tell you too... i really really like you." he pulls my face in closing the gap between our lips. his soft lips meet mine but this time is different. i can feel how he want it just as much as i do. he both pull away smiling at each other. we fall into the side of the hill laying down and making out for what seems like is 5 minutes but was probably longer. he tastes like sweet chocolate front the candy i gave him. he smiles at me looking more happy than i've ever seen him.
"you know mike, all those things you said about me in that letter... i think that too. i think you're the prettiest boy i've ever seen and i would do anything for you. i really do mean it mike." he bites his lip.
"and yes. i'll be your will." he pulls me into the best hug i've ever had. he holds me tight almost making me cry. he's so beautiful and so perfect and now he's my boyfriend. my size almost consumes him but somehow he feels just the perfect size.
"now that we're boyfriends you're mine now."i say looking at him. i plant a kiss right on the bridge of his nose then his cheek then the other cheek and then his forehead.
"i'm your will. all yours." his head lays on my chest as my hands comb through his hair and we look at the clouds skipping school completely and regretting nothing.

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