loving him

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wills pov.
mike is sitting next to me in math class. he keeps trying to peek at my paper to copy it knowing he's had a math. i rip off a piece of my worksheet and write 'do you wanna come over after school :)' i slip it onto his desk trying to be sly. he looks at me smiling reading the note scribbles something quickly and throws it back. it lands right on my desk and i unfold it and it says 'sure' i smile reading the note.
after class we meet outside and get our bikes.
"hi mike." i say.
"hi will we're going to your house right?" he says slipping his backpack onto both shoulders.
"yeah." i quickly glance at him meeting his gaze. troy walks over to us with an evil smile on his face.
"look who it is the fag and frog face. what an interesting duo." he shoves mike making him stumble back a few steps.
"leave us alone troy." mike says.
"aww frog face is defending his little gay boyfriend how pathetic." he laughs.
"i said leave us alone." then mike walks over to troy and punches him in the face. he looks up at mike anger ignited in his eyes.
"oh you're gonna pay for this wheeler." he punches mike back and he falls to the ground clutching his face.
"mike!" i shout running over to him. i glare at troy as he walks away.
"are you okay?" i ask helping him off the ground.
"yeah i'm fine." he says in a low voice. his eye visibly puffy.
"can you still ride your bike?" i say worried.
"yeah it's fine." he says picking up his bike off the concrete. we ride our bikes side by side all the way to my house. i almost went off the road while staring at him a few times. we arrive there and drop our backpacks at the door. we head straight for the kitchen looking for snacks. i find my secret stash of oreos and grab those.
"wanna go to castle byers?" i ask getting a half empty bag of chips.
"yeah sure." he nods. we walk with all our snacks together to castle byers and sit down on the mattress. i look at him as he sits next to me and he at me with a sad look on his face.
"what's wrong mike? is something wrong?" he looks like he's been holding back tears but has now let them out.
"mike talk to me. are you okay?" i set my hands on his shoulders as he continues to cry. he pulls me in for a hug crying into my shoulder.
"it's just-" his voice cracks.
"troy he's so mean. i'm sorry for what he said about you." he sobs.
"it's okay mike. you're okay here you're safe." he goes silent his breath slowing.
"thank you for protecting me." i whisper in his ear.
"anything to keep you safe." he pulls me in tighter.
"thank you." i repeat.
"i just like spending time with you will. i really like being around you it makes me so happy and i feel like i need to protect you because i would never let anyone hurt you." i understand what he's actually trying to say and i pull away making our faces inches away. i slowly lean in stopping with our lips almost touching.
"can i..?" i say looking into his beautiful brown eyes. he closes the gap between our lips making my stomach do flips. the kiss was short and sweet. he tastes like the sweet bubble gum he chews in class to distract him. he pulls away making eye contact smiling. we blush still staring into each other's eyes.
"i love you too mike." i say. he pulls me into a hug by the waist giving me butterflies.
"i love you but it's hard. loving you in secret. hiding from our friends who i love most. having to avoid you at school so you don't get bullied because of me. it's hard mike. it's really hard. but it's worth it, for you." i say tears streaming down my face into mikes shoulder.
"i'm sorry. will please don't love me if it's this hard for you. its not worth seeing you sad and hurting just for me. you don't deserve this." he says in pain.
"mike i love you. i love you the most and suffering is worth it. being with you makes me so happy i would risk everything for you. because i love you and only you mike. it's all worth it for you." i say crying harder. he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer.
"will please don't cry because of me. please all i want is to see you happy. because..i-i love you will." he says crying just as hard with me.
"mike you said it. you said you love me." i look into his now swollen eyes.
"i always have it's just hard for me to say it sometimes." our foreheads pressing together looking into each others wet eyes.
"i'm proud of you mike. i love you too." i kiss him catching him off guard. he falls backwards onto the mattress as i tower over him.
"kiss me." mike says. i kiss him again leaning into it pushing our bodies close. he moves his lips to my cheek then my jaw. he kisses along my jawline making me laugh a little.
"mike it tickles." i giggle.
"sorry sorry." he says laughing. he move his lips to my neck kissing more lightly than before. it feels so good as he kisses me. leaving little marks all over my neck. i hold his head on the right side of my neck as he gently kissed me. i stroke his head with his soft black curls.
"mmm will do you like this?" he asks looking up at me.
"yes but i wanna look at your face." i smile.
"you're so beautiful will." he stares up at me with a genuine smile on his face. i kiss him on the cheek laying my face on mikes chest. for the rest of the afternoon we talked like this, laying on him feeding me oreos stealing some bites himself holding me tight not letting me go staring into his beautiful eyes until the sun starting to set. i love loving him.

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