Chapter [16]

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Andy's POV:
"Andy" I heard a soft voice say.

I couldn't respond though, it almost didn't sound real.

"Andy, wake up" I heard it say again.

I didn't though.

"Andy, wake the fuck up," it said once more this time waking me up.

I groaned due to the bright light shining.

I heard a laugh come from the door and I looked to see Gareth leaning on the frame with Eddie behind him.

"You've been asleep for almost 2 hours baby," Gareth said walking over to me and sitting on the bed.

I sat up and placed my head on his shoulder grabbing his hand.

"Eddie got bored at home so he came to see us," he said making me glance over at Eddie who was smiling at the end of the bed.

"Hey," he waved glancing between me and Gareth.

I waved back softly with my head still on Gareth.

"Also, you can come to D&D tomorrow" Eddie spoke pointing at me.

I nodded and sat fully up looking down at the bed.

Gareth moved to where he was now sitting beside me and Eddie came and sat in front of us.

"Y'all are so cute" he squealed looking at both of us.

Gareth laughed and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. I smiled and rubbed the top of his hand with my thumb.

"Steve invited us over, he had the gremlins" Eddie spoke messing with his rings.

Gareth looked at me with a questioning look.

"Hm, why are you looking at me?"

"Do you wanna go?"

"It doesn't matter to me, it's up to you and Munson right there."

Gareth looked at Eddie and they exchanged some looks. But by the end of it, we figured out we would go to Harrington's house.

Eddie took his van just in case we left and he wasn't ready or vice-versa.

About 30 minutes later we pulled into Steve's driveway and got out walking up to his door Eddie behind us.

"Oh hey," he exclaimed mostly looking at Eddie.

We all gave a small 'hey' before he invited us in.

I'm pretty sure the kids' names were something like Will, Max, Jane aka Superpower Girl. And of course, Dustin and Mike were there.

Most of them were older, but they were still like Steve's kids.

Mike and Will were sharing the chair cuddled close together telling Jane they were just cuddling as friends.

Erica is on the other chair.

Jane and Max are on the floor with pillows and blankets supporting them.

Dustin is beside them on the couch.

No matter how many times we tried letting them sleep on the more comfortable furniture they refused.

Steve lay on the couch with Eddie swearing they were just friends.

Which left the last chair for me and Gareth.

He quickly pulled them over to it and I sat down him climbing into my lap wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head onto my shoulder.

I smiled and watched as the movie started.

By the time it was over the only people awake were me, Gareth, Mike, and Steve.

Steve said we could have the guest bedroom upstairs since it was late and he didn't want Hopper catching us out at this time. We kindly accepted and walked up to the room.

Gareth immediately jumped on sprawling out taking up most of the bed. I smiled and walked over.

"Are you gonna make me sleep on the floor" I playfully asked making him roll over.

"I would never," he said climbing up to the pillows and getting under the covers motioning for me to lay down by him.

I smiled and did so wrapping his arms around him under the covers.

"Goodnight" he whispered turning off the lamp.

"Goodnight" I answered back.

Although I couldn't sleep. I had a gut feeling that something was going to happen. Something bad. I didn't know what but I just couldn't sleep.

I sat there staring at everything around the room for hours. Eventually, the sun came up and I sighed in defeat placing my head back onto Gareth's shoulder.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐲(𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐡)Where stories live. Discover now