Chapter [9]

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Andy's POV:
I watched as all the students talked about their summer plans until the maths teacher, Mr. Oliver, walked in with a big stack of papers.

"Good morning class" he excitedly announced placing the papers down and looking at all of us.

We all let out a tired groggily 'good morning' questioning how he had so much energy so early.

"So, most of you may have summer plans and some of you may not," he said scanning around the room "which is why the school decided to run a field trip summer camp!"

Everyone looked not too fond of the idea until goody two shoes Sheila raised her hand.

"Will there be any type of learning?" she asked smiling widely.

Everyone looked at her as if she was manic, even Mr. Oliver.

"Well yes, there will be activities you can sign up for that are educational," he said with a big smile.

She smiled widely and gave a small nod before going back to writing in her book.

He then explained how he was gonna call our names and we were gonna bring a stack of papers to each class to get more details if we or they wanted to go.

I didn't listen until my name was called which scared the shit out of me if I'm being honest.

"Andy, please bring these to Mrs. Terese's classroom," he said holding out a small stack of papers and smiling.

I nodded and walked over to his desk shyly grabbing the papers and started walking to her classroom.

Once there, I knocked on the door and an unfamiliar student answered the door. The teacher looked at me and gave me a big smile.

"I have the papers for summer camp, f-from Mr.Oliver" I stuttered out just wanting to get out of there.

"Oh perfect" she exclaimed motioning for me to go over to her desk.

I quickly walked her way and handed her the papers. As she was doing so I heard faint giggles come from the around middle of the classroom.

Most of the class were talking to their friends are what not so I just decided to glance over.

I then saw Gareth covering his face as Eddie had his mouth covered laughing away.

I immediately got hot and Eddie spotted me, eyes going wide. He immediately started shaking Gareth and started whispering something to him.

Gareth then looked up and our eyes met. The teacher then gave me a note to give to Mr. Oliver and I looked at Gareth once more sort of moving my head to tell him to meet in the bathroom.

And he must've got it because as I was walking out I heard him ask something.

I quickly sped to the bathroom and hid in one of the small stalls waiting.

About 45 seconds later I heard the door swing open and there was the familiar voice I loved.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐲(𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐡)Where stories live. Discover now