Chapter [2]

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Gareth's POV:
"It's already been moved to next Tuesday," Eddie said flipping through the newspaper and smiling at the stupidity of the town.

"What," I asked him, looking around to maybe see if someone was there.

"D&D, moved to next Tuesday," he said placing the paper down, "Do I need to repeat it?"

I looked at him confused.

"Listen, I know you're here to ask to move D&D and I already have. The game is today and Lucas is playing in it and I don't think I can deal with Erica today. She's being extra sassy. So Tuesday right after school, in here, have fun at the game, I'll be there too!" he told me smiling and standing up.

"Oh alright," was all I could say.

"Yup," he said walking over to me and patting my shoulder.

We then walked out standing against the wall. The game didn't start for another 15 minutes so Eddie took a little smoke break before we went in.

We were now sitting on the uncomfortable bleachers as the principal talked. They seriously need to use the extra money and fix these.

"This is ass" Eddie whispered to me crossing his arms.

"Just wait, it'll get better, he's just talking shit right now" I whispered back glancing at him.

"And now I introduce...the tigers!" the older man spoke a little louder than anyone would specifically want.

Just then the basketball team piled out as the cheerleaders did their thing. The band didn't even attend because of what happened at the last game where one of the rows of bleachers broke so they all fell, including me and Eddie.

"Look Chrissy," I spoke up nudging Eddie and smiling at him, I thought he had a crush on Chrissy although he didn't.

He had a crush on her 'boyfriend'.

He smiled and slightly waved to her smiling as they sat down in front of the bleachers.

Jason did his shit-talking announcement before the game finally started.

They were all running around and I kept looking for Andy. Then I saw him. And he saw me.

He smiled at me and was about to raise his hand to I guess wave but then was called off the bench.

I immediately looked away trying to hide my blush so not many people saw it but met eyes with Eddie.

"Got a crush don't ya," he teased smiling widely.

"No," I immediately said trying my best to convince Eddie.

"It's fine if you do, I don't care," he said sitting up fully "Just better not be Jason."

Eddie knew I was gay, he was the only one. He was gay too so I could come to him about anything. Except he made it very known he was and earned quite some bruises in the process.

"Oh fuck no, it's not him," I answered looking back at the team.

"Good," he said messing with his rings.

"Hey, hey," he said hitting my shoulder repeatedly excitedly.

"Ow, what," I said looking at him holding my arm.

"Lucas, he's on," he excitedly said nearly jumping "They are letting him play!"

The thing about Lucas is they didn't like him. Maybe it was because of his color or it may be just because he sucks. I don't know, but he's finally playing!

I got excited too and watched him run around the floor and just before time ran out he threw it.

Everyone was standing up now watching as it flew around the basket almost as if it was happening in slow motion.

And just as the buzzer rang the ball went in and we won. Everyone started cheering as the other team looked at them disappointed.

Once they left people started moving from the bleachers to talk to the team or whatever. I quickly ran off and without even thinking hugged Andy.

I probably just fucked up.

I felt him tense up before hugging me back.

"Great job today," I mumbled into his shoulder.

"Thank you," I heard him say before I pulled away.

"Hellfire got canceled?" he asked, eyeing me up and down.

"Yeah, Eddie moved it before I could even ask," I replied looking around for Eddie.

"Isn't that interesting," he cooed out punching me in the shoulder.

I laughed and looked back at him.

"Yo, Andy!" I heard the dreading voice call out.

We both looked to see Jason waving Andy over.

"Meet me outside, I'll be out there in about 10 minutes, 20 at the most" he whispered before running over to Jason and the other boys.

I walked over to Eddie who was smiling stupidly as Chrissy fixed up his messy hair.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐲(𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐡)Where stories live. Discover now