Part 4

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Erin almost jogged up the stairs in her heels as she returned to work, it was late, and Josh had walked her there again.

This time she had let him kiss her goodnight on the lips. He'd smiled at her, his hands still cupping her face as she pulled away and she had smiled back, pushing her lips back in, deepening the kiss as she slipped her arms around him. He planted small kisses to her lips and cheek, and they held each other for a little while, Erin smiling at him. He had leaned back into her, and they kissed more, Erin tightening her grip on him.

'Sorry,' he had murmured, 'I just can't stop.'

Erin had giggled, kissing him back as their lips returned, moving together with ease, and they eventually pulled away, Josh saying goodnight to her as he walked away. Erin stood at the door, and she brought her fingers up to her lips smiling before turning to walk inside.

Erin slowed her pace as she entered the lab, almost breathless as she stepped inside, excitement bubbling, but not from the kiss but the fact that the blonde was still there. Holtz was sitting at her desk, and she looked up as Erin entered, watching as she paused in the doorway.

'Come for another dance have we Gilbert?'

Holtzmann smiled coyly at the physicist and Erin blushed, closing the door behind her again.

'How was your date?'

Holtzmann slid her goggles into her hair, putting down the machines she had been repairing and reprogramming, and she stood up, Erin was still standing at the closed door.

'Good, it good, it was good.'

Holtz nodded, tapping her finger on the side of the desk, taking her googles off her head.

'I actually have something for you.'

'For me?' Erin questioned, creasing her brow.

Holtzmann nodded walking over to the woman, reaching for her hand, clasping it and opening the door behind her, leading her out into the hallway, bringing her finger to her lips and letting out a breathy shhhh as they passed the other two women's rooms.

Erin grinned, allowing herself to be pulled along, the softness of the woman's hand in hers was comforting and she squeezed it a little. They stopped at the door to the roof, Holtzmann letting go of her hand and pushing the heavy door open. Erin stepped out into the cold, trailing Holtzmann and she closed the door behind her, turning back to the blonde and then gasping softly, the cold air hitting the back of her throat as she looked beyond the engineer.

Holtzmann stepped to the side; her arms spread out as she presented the scene behind her.

'I, um..I thought you might like a midnight picnic,' Holtzmann said softly.

'Holtz,' Erin whispered, stepping forward, her eyes gazing over the picnic blanket ahead of them, a wicker basket sat on one corner, and battery-operated candles stood clustered in groups along the edges, two knitted blankets were folded neatly with a handful of cushions in the centre.

'I know it's not exactly midnight, know..'

'Oh Holtz,' Erin said again, reaching out to clasp the woman's hand with both of hers, 'it's beautiful.'

Erin inhaled softly, thinking back to the kisses she had shared with Josh a few moments ago.

'I just wanted to let you know that maybe the romance you're looking for does exist. The romance from your book.'

'Jill,' Erin began,' what are you..'

'I, um,' Holtzmann interrupted, swallowing hard, letting go of Erin's hands, 'I mean, your date went well, you said...I'm sorry Er, I just thought..'

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