"Oh? What's this?" I questioned.

"You guys coming or what?" Lucas yelled. He and Dustin were about three metres away from us.

"Uh- You guys keep going, we'll catch up!" I said, loud enough for him to hear.

They continued to bike further away from us.

"Open it." Will whispered.

"Alright, whatever you say." I said, shrugging.

I tore the packaging and opened the box carefully, making sure to not dent or harm whatever was inside.

It was a canvas. The bottom was facing up and there was a small letter. I unfolded it and it read:

' I wasn't able to get you anything for your birthday either because I couldn't be there, so here. Happy Birthday, Michael Wheeler <3 '

I felt my heart a skip a beat. Then another. My face was hot, it was also probably red. My chest tightened, my body was warm and I could feel my stomach turning. That feeling again. I guess I figured out what it was, afterall. It was because I liked Will.

"W-What is this?" I asked, once again stuttering.

"Birthday gift." Will said, looking at me.

"R-Right! Thank you.." I muttered.

I carefully removed the canvas from the packaging and turned it over. It was a painting.

A painting of me. My heart skipped another beat.

It was so well done, you would think it was a photograph! Well, what did I expect, Will is great at everything to do with art.


He just stared at it in awe. Did he not like it? Shit. I shouldn't have done it. He probably thinks it's weird, who wants to receive a painting of themselves anyway?

"Will.." He muttered.


"This is, this is beautiful!" He yelled smiling, pulling me into hug. "And I thought the painting you drew of our party was good, this is amazing!"

Does he really think thar,or is it just because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings..?

"No, Will, it's not just because I don't want to hurt your feelings. It really is amazing." He said, letting go of me.

It's like he read my mind.

"How did you know that was what I thinking??" I questioned.

"We've been friends for years. Just because we weren't friends for a period of time doesn't change how much I know about you and how you think." Mike smiled, ruffling my hair a bit. "Oh, sorry. Nancy did that to me this morning and I guess I felt the need to do it to someone else." He laughed attempting to brush my hair with his hand into what it looked like before.

"You're so dumb sometimes." I laughed.

We just stood there, laughing at nothing particular and time just seemed to stop. After a few moments, we stopped laughing and it felt like our faces moved closer to each other but that might've just been my imagination.

"U-Uh, um! Do you mind if I leave this here and pick it up after school?" Mike asked.

"Oh, u-uh, yeah! That's fine." I laughed nervously.

"I'll leave it in your room if that's okay with you?" He asked.

"Mhm." I muttered.

He went inside.

I wonder if our faces moving closer was really just simply my imagination.

I wonder...what would he have done if we had..kissed?

He'd hate me for sure. I can't let that happen.

My thoughts were interrupted by Jonathan.

"Will? What are you still doing here? It's 8.15!" He questioned.

"Wait! Really!?" I said shocked. I looked down at my watch, it really was 8.15! We spent quite a lot of time talking. Just then Mike walked out of the house.

"Mike!? You too?" Jonathan asked.

"What?" Mike questioned.

"It's 8.15!" Jonathan whisper-yelled.

"What!? We're late, Will!" Mike yelled.

"Want me to drop you guys off?" Jonathan sighed.

"Yes, please." I laughed.

Jonathan got his keys from the kitchen counter and we all entered the car. Jonathan hummed to that one song Argyle liked so much and Mike and I laughed the whole ride.

I forgot how much I missed him.


I hoped you liked reading this chapter as I liked writing it.

Have a nice day/afternoon/night! <3


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