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Sunday, 11th May 1986,
The Wheelers' House,



Asshole. Asshole. Asshole.
Why the hell did mark it if you weren't even going to remember?

Of course he would've been fucking pissed, he had very right to be. What kind of 'best friend's pills that shit? I'm so sorry, Will.

"Mike!" I heard Nancy call from downstairs, "Come back down!"

I placed the calendar down and left. I went back to the table and sat down.

"What's wrong, Mike?" I heard El ask but I was too focused on the fact that I just forgot my own best friends fucking birthday.

"Mike? Mike??"

Is that why he was so upset that day at the roller skating rink. I literally made him third-wheel on his birthday then proceeded to get mad about him being sad.

"Mike." Will said, staring at me, "El is trying to talk to you, listen to her."

He sounded really serious. Was what she saying that important or was it just because I wasn't listening to her?

"O-Oh! Sorry, El, I zoned out a little." I apologised.

El continued talking to me but once again, I wasn't really listening and just now and again said, "Mhm", and "Yeah," but I guess she must've noticed I wasn't listening since I was just staring at my food and stabbing it with my fork.

"Mike? Is everything okay?" Mom said since she noticed I wasn't eating anything.

"Sorry, I just..lost my appetite, sorry. I'll just put this in the fridge." I muttered.

I got up, took the plate and walked over to the fridge and placed it inside. I was getting a glass of water when Jonathan walked up to me. I guess he had finished his meal because he was about to start washing his plate.

"No, you don't have to wash it. My mom said she's gonna deal with the dishes." I noted.

"Oh, no, it's okay! I'm used to doing the dishes back home." Jonathan responded. "But, um, you okay, bud?"


"You've been really off since yesterday, are you sure everything's okay?" Jonathan asked again.

"Uh, yeah. Everything's just been really, I don't know how to explain it," I sighed. "I literally forgot Will's birthday."

"Oh, so that's why he was so upset. How'd you forget though?" Jonathan questioned as he out his plate down to dry.

"I don't really know myself but some stuff happened the day I left for California. Doesn't really excuse me forgetting though." I muttered, feeling ashamed of myself.

"Oh..what happened? If you want to tell me, of course." Jonathan said.

"My parents were just arguing but it was a little louder and aggressive than usual. No physical fighting, of course, just verbal...a lot of verbal stuff." I sighed.

"Sorry, man, but I'm sure if you apologise and tell him why you forgot, he'll forgive you." Jonathan suggested, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I've already tried apologising like three times. He made it super clear he's not interested in anything I have to say." I whisper-yelled.

"Oh, then in that case, maybe try to ease into it." Jonathan said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Like start little by little. From just morning greetings to small talk and eventually, you should be able to to talk about it comfortably. Or maybe write him a note or a letter." Jonathan suggested.

"Maybe." I smiled.

We walked back to the dinner table. After my talk with Jonathan, I felt at peace once again. Whether it was Joyce, Jonathan or Will, they always had a way if making me feel better.

I guess it's just a Byers thing.

𝕮𝖗𝖆𝖟𝖞 𝕿𝖔𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 / 𝔅𝔶𝔩𝔢𝔯Where stories live. Discover now