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[I decided to change the movie that Jonathan and Nancy were watching to Sweeney Todd. I know it was made in like 2008 but oh well. Steve and Eddie are also going to watch Sweeney Todd.]


Friday, 16th May 1986,
The Byers' House,


I was in the kitchen, making cereal. Why am I making cereal at 3.05pm?? I don't know either. I turned to see Will walk in, smiling. I guess he had a good day.

"Hey, how was your day?" I asked, taking my bowl of cereal into the living room. "You're a bit late today, go somewhere?"

He wiped him shoes, took them off and placed them down next to mine.

"It was actually really fun, I was late because I went to Dustins' house. His mom made me cookies and turns out she also got me a birthday gift." He smiled.

"Oh, that's nice! What was it?" I asked.

"A bike." He smiled.

"Oh, that's nice! Maybe you start biking to school with your friends again?" I said.

"Yeah, maybe." He said and walked into his room.

Oh, yeah. Didn't Mike put something in his room. I have no idea what it is but I had the urge to tell him something was in his room but I didn't.


I walked into my room and placed my bag down beside my bed. I took off my jacket and put it on my bed. I went to my drawer to get the headphones I borrowed from Jonathan but there was something else there. A box?

I brought it out and looked at it. I don't remember putting this here. Maybe it Jonathan? Or mom? Maybe El did it?

There was a tag at the bottom of it which said ' Open me! ' in a handwriting I could never forget.

I opened the box and there lay a d&d board. His d&d board, from when we used play together. I carefully removed it from the box, placed it on my bed and sat down next to it. There was a note at the bottom of the box. I took it out and opened it.

It read:

" Hey, Will. I know you don't want to talk to me so I decided to leave you note. I want to apologise probably for everything. For that fight we had like 2 years ago because we didn't play d&d properly with you, for the argument we had in California, the one we had just before I left to back to Hawkins, for making you cry, for leaving you out, for hurting your wrist, for joining Hellfire. I thought I 'matured', which I clearly didn't. If I'm being honest, it was never as fun without you. I want to apologise for being a shit friend and an even shittier best friend. Getting a girlfriend should never be a reason to ignore someone, especially a friend. Maybe someday, we can play d&d again. Just you, me, Lucas and Dustin. (Maybe we can play with Max and El too.)

Happy Birthday, Will <3 "

I folded it back and placed it back in the box. I out the board over it, covered it and put it back in my drawer. I sat down on the floor and covered my face with my hands.

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