Chapter 1

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On the Christmas eve of (0000), 7-year-old, Isaac Grossman's guardian angel created Laughing Jack to be Isaac's best friend forever. They were the best of friends until a tragic departing later on in Isaac's childhood. Only to meet again.

What had the angel planned happen to Laughing Jack after Isaac was to have grown too old to carry on? Would Jack have faded away into nothingness, as Isaac died? About 20 year's later, the night Isaac was brutally murdered by Laughing Jack, we got an answer.

Laughing Jack, in fact, didn't fade into nothingness. Although his colors and sanity had faded, the killing of Isaac began to pull at the strings of his mind. Laughing Jack began killing children like Isaac: sad, lonely, and joyful to finally find a 'best friend'.

Even Laughing Jack didn't know why he continued to exist after Isaac disappeared. He didn't care to find out either, but sometimes questions like to answer themselves.

On a warm midsummer day, Laughing Jack was out looking for his newest plaything. As he scanned the area of a small American town, he found a young girl. She was alone in her fenced yard playing make-believe with her dolls. He watched silently as she set up a tea party with the miscellaneous toys.

'Perfect~' Jack purred before poofing into the yard behind her, remaining unnoticed.

Jack made a small laugh and the little girl turned just enough to see Jack's face. She was about 5 from the looks of her. She had long (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes full of childlike imagination and curiosity. And although Laughing Jack's appearance was something of a morbid scene, she didn't look too scared.

"Hiya kiddo~" Laughing Jack greeted her, looming over her small frame. She shyly sunk lower at the sight of such a tall and intimidating person.

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers..." She mumbled nervously.

"Hmm... then lets become friends! I'm Laughing Jack." He said to her, reaching his clawed hand down to her. All Jack could think while watching the girl was the ways she could be torn apart and mutilated.

"(Y/n)." The little girl stated, wringing her hands.

"There! Now we're not strangers anymore!" Jack said happily with a jagged tooth smile. The little girl gained a small smile as Jack spoke, he was no scarier than the teddy bears that littered her lawn tea party.

"I guess so." She looked over to the tea set she was playing with along with the dolls. "Do you all wanna play with Laughing Jack?" She asked the toys. In the blink of an eye, a toy came to life, with the help of Laughing Jack's power.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened at the sight of her stuffed rabbit hopping around before it turned to her.

"Yeah! Let's play with Laughing Jack!" The rabbit spoke happily. (Y/n) took a sharp breath as it spoke, her toys had never done this before. Her smile got wide and excited as she looked up at Laughing Jack, who was standing there with a devious look on his face.

"Would you like candy, (Y/n)?" He asked, holding out a lollipop to (y/n). (Y/n) nodded and took the lollipop.

"They said you can play with us." (Y/n) spoke gladly. Jack hummed in agreement as he sat in the circle of toys to continue with a tea party.

For the rest of the afternoon, they played little games. Jack would make her toys play tag with them and even supplied tea for her miniature tea set. For a while, Jack managed to forget his initial intentions. He managed a smile that wasn't out of his broken mind. That is, until her father called her inside for dinner.

(Y/n) looked from the window her father called from back to Laughing Jack. He gave her a small smile before shooing her his hands back to the house. Before (Y/n) went inside she turned to Jack and quickly hugged him. Her small body could barely reach higher than the thighs of his pants. For a moment she tried to hug him as tight as she could. Jack longed to do the same, but knowing he would crush her with the strength of his long arms, he restrained himself.

"Goodbye, Jackie!" (Y/n) spoke before running inside.

After (Y/n) disappeared into the house Laughing Jack grew a sick feeling in his stomach. This wasn't his plan, this wasn't what he wanted. This was his prey and he was a being too powerful for her mear comprehension. He glared at the door to her house. This wasn't to happen again.

That night little (Y/n) went to bed happily telling the story of her and her new friend out in the yard to her parents. It was nothing more than an imaginary friend, as far as they were concerned. As (Y/n) laid on her bed, sound asleep, Laughing Jack poofed into her room. He was holding one of the dolls that she had left at the tea party, the rabbit he controlled. Laughing Jack walked over to the side of her bed and watched as she smiled in her sleep. Jack also smiled at her. He lifted the covers next to her and put the doll in her arms, then set the blanket back down over her. He then felt a strange feeling, it was vaguely familiar yet so foreign to him.

Jack stepped away from the girl's bed and once again remembered the very reason he came here, which he very much forgot while playing in the backyard. What was he doing being so kind to this little girl? She was no different from the other children Jack had befriended before his original intent was carried out. Why was he being so exceptionally nice to her? Jack sighed and poofed out of her room certain of one thing, tomorrow night (Y/n) would die.

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