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Liana then gets a notification from Chloe for Clark's location and he's at a gala

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Liana then gets a notification from Chloe for Clark's location and he's at a gala. Liana sees Clark at the entrance, and she says, "Clark." Clark turns around surprised to see Liana and says, "What are you doing here?" Liana thinks, "I know you have been reading my mind." Clark looks at Liana guilty and says, "How'd you find out?" Liana says, "Chloe." Clark says, "Liana, I'm sorry." Liana says, "Sorry for what? Reading my thoughts or asking me on a date on which you didn't even plan?" Clark says, "I..." Liana says, "You don't know how happy I was when you asked me out. I thought we could restart are relationship, but I was wrong. You don't care about my feelings." Clark says, "That's not true. I do care... I just I couldn't help myself when I heard your thoughts." Liana softly scoffs and says, "Those were my private thoughts, and you invaded it. Why didn't you just tell me, you're hearing was off? But, no instead you played me today. I can't believe you of all people would do something like that to me." Clark says, "Liana, I'm really sorry. How can I make it up to you?" Liana softly says, "I don't think there's anything you can do to make it up to me." Liana then turns around and walks away from Clark with a heavy heart. Clark looks at Liana walking away and feels very guilty for what he did.

 Clark looks at Liana walking away and feels very guilty for what he did

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The next day, Liana's walks into the Daily Planet and walks over to the coffee machine and as she pours her cup, she feels someone staring at her and she looks up to see Clark

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The next day, Liana's walks into the Daily Planet and walks over to the coffee machine and as she pours her cup, she feels someone staring at her and she looks up to see Clark. Liana looks away and adds cream and sugar to her coffee. Clark walks up to Liana and says, "You missed all the excitement last night." Liana says, "I heard. Although I was expecting to read about the exploits of Metropolis' journalistic savior this morning." Clark says, "Well, that's the thing, I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew." Liana says, "Really? What's this?" Clark looks down at the article he wrote and says, "It's, uh... it's me asking for help. I didn't exactly finish my story last night and I missed the deadline." Liana looks over the article and she says, "Okay." Liana walks to her desk with Clark following her and he says, "I guess I'm not ready to fly solo just yet." Liana softly chuckles and says, "The sky is a big place." Liana then edits Clark's article, and she says, "There. Looks like you've got one too many names on there." Clark says, "I just thought you'd want to have some creative input. Liana, I'm sorry for letting you down." Liana softly says, "It's okay. Just don't let it happen again, okay?" Clark nods and says, "Okay." Liana nods with a tight-lipped smile and she sits at her desk sipping her coffee. Clark sits in front of Liana and he's going to think of a way to make up for what he did to Liana.

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