A Family Trip to Town and Ice Cream Fun

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"Wait no, go back!" Maggie said as they were driving down to town.

Annabel went back to the previous station and watched as Maggie's eyes lit up.

"Your daughter has excellent taste in music." She grinned and glanced at Richard driving beside her, who gave her a side eye and a smile. 

It was spring break and Richard told everyone that they could spend the entire day in town doing whatever they wanted.

"Monroe is my favourite!" Maggie exclaimed.

"Would you like to go to the movies and see if they have anything of hers playing?" Richard asked and Maggie squealed in happiness.

"Margot and I will have to go shopping for new shoes. She grew out of all her current ones." Annabel said as they all began to climb out of the car when they arrived at the movies. She knew Margot wouldn't be patient enough to sit still for the entire movie, so it was best to not waist time and get things done. "Would anyone like me to get them anything, or we'll all go shopping together after you watch the movies?"

The twins and Maggie said they'll go after and George had plans to meet up with Tiffany afterwards, so he won't be with them.

"Oh, umm, yeah. Can you get me new socks?" Richard absentmindedly said.

"Yeah, you did say you ripped holes in nearly all of yours a few days ago." Annabel said, rummaging through her purse.

"They're totally acting like they're married." Maggie said to George and he snickered, agreeing with her.

"Yeah and I also need new undergarments. Mind getting those for me darling, or if it's too embarrassing-"

"No no, I got it. Don't worry about it." She said, finally pulling out her handkerchief and handing it to Margot to wipe her nose.

"Oh, alright. Thank you. You take care."

"Sure, you too. Enjoy the movie."

"Of course."

Then, they both turned to each other, kissed and went on their merry way.

The kids stood flabbergasted.

"Did you..."

"Just see that?"

George and Maggie finished each other's sentences.

"Oh my word." Sam gasped.

"Since, uh, when?" Tam said.

"Holy crap, and it looked so natural too." Maggie grasped George's arms.

"So, they've kissed before..."

"And clearly, many many times."

The twins and the older siblings ran to catch up with their father who was already in the building.

"Oh, I was wondering were you loot disappeared to." He said.

"Papa! You just kissed mama!" Maggie said.

"Oh really? I didn't even realize." He said without a care to the world. "Pick out a movie now will you?"



"I'm tired." Margot whined.

"Hi tired, I'm mama." Annabel grinned and Margot giggled.

"That's not my name!" She laughed.

"Then why did you say it was?" Annabel laughed with her.

"Because I'm feeling tired." Margot explained as she skipped beside Annabel down the sidewalk.

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