A Fever and Back With The Pelton's

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Annabel got in a cab and told the man to go to the Pelton estate. Her knee was bouncing up and down in slight anxiety at what state she will find Margot in. She couldn't believe Richard would leave her and the twins alone without any sort of supervision, but it was also very unlike him to do something like that. He cared so much for his children, she wondered how the thought of leaving a sick baby alone even crossed his mind.

"Thank you." She paid the cab driver and rushed out.

"Welcome home sir, you've come back earlier than-Annabel?" James said as he opened the door.

"Good to see you too James. Now excuse me, I must get going."

"Papa?" Sam and Tam groggily rubbed their eyes, holding hands and walked up to the railing. Their eyes trailed down and instead of their papa, it was someone they weren't expecting.


They rushed down the stairs and Annabel engulfed them in a hug.

"Oh Sam," she kissed his head, "Tam." she kissed hers. 

"It's so good to see you two."

"Mama are you coming back? Are you staying forever?" Sam asked and pulled back to see her.

"Mama you're staying, right?" Tam pulled back and pulled Annabel's eye lid in wonder at the makeup. "Mama you look pretty." 

She put both her small hands on Annabel's cheeks and turned her head so she was looking at her hair.

"Me too. Can you make my hair too?"

"I'd love to. I'll even play with the two of you, but first, we have to go see how Margot is doing. Don't you think?" She picked up Tam, wrinkling her dress, but she didn't care, and she held Sams hand as he led her to their shared room with their younger sister.

"Hey Mar Mar." Annabel put Tam down and made her way over to Margot's bed where she was laying down in nothing but diapers. Her body was sweating, a fresh coat of sweat was covering her entire body and the sheets she was on top of were drenched.

Her eyes were closed and her face was scrunched in pain as waves of  heat rocked through her body that were then replaced by sudden chills and then intense heat again.

"Oh you poor thing."

Annabel picked up Margot and placed her on Tams bed.

"Tam, Sam. Mama needs help. You go get mama a bowl full of cold water. And you get mama a towel for Margot's forehead, okay?" She told the twins, they both nodded and ran out of the room.

She quickly changed Margot's sheets and pillow cover. She grabbed her a light blanket and draped it over her once she put her back in her bed.

Richard barged into the house and ran up the stairs, ignoring James who was calling after him and he made his way to the twins and Margot's room. The twins quickly ran past him, one with a bowl of sloshing water and another holding an entire stack of towels.

"We got you the things mama!" Tam dropped the towels at the foot of the bed and Sam gently placed the bowl on the night stand.

"Thank you, you're being very helpful." She kissed their foreheads, put a towel in the water, rung it out and placed it on Margot's forehead. She glanced over their heads to see Richards looking from the doorway.

"She's burning up." She spoke up and turned back to Margot, wiping her hair from off her face. Richard made his way into the room, grabbed a chair and sat across from Annabel. He studied her face, but then he looked at his daughters pained face and guilt washed over him. He hadn't realised just how sick she was. Rebeca said it wasn't that bad, when it clearly was.

"Will she be okay?" Tam tugged on her dress.

"I'm sure she will." She affectionately placed her hand on Tams cheek and rubbed it with her thumb. "Now, why don't you hop into your bed over there and get some rest, hmm? I'm sure you're tired."

"But I would like to help."

"But you've already helped me so much. If I need anymore help I'll make sure to tell you." She kissed her head and Tam kissed her cheek then climbed into her bed, Sam going into his.

When the children fell asleep, Richard spoke up.

"Will you stay?"

"Who's been looking after the kids?" She ignored his question.

He sighed and his head dropped between his elbows that were resting on his knees. Annabel realized, from his reaction, that no one has.

"I don't understand. You really care for them and love them. Why haven't you got anyone to look after them?"

"Rebeca's looking after them." He looked up to meet her eyes, but looked away from her calculating stare.

"And she's been doing a marvelous job I see."

"She's trying. She's new to all this mothering thing."

"Mr. Pelton I suggest you get your children a nanny or governess or whatever you want to call the job and have your fiancé learn a thing or two from her. Now, here's what's going to happen in the meantime and there's no negotiations. I love these kids, very much. And I can't stand the thought of one of them being sick without any proper care. So I will be staying until Margot gets better. You have until then to find them a new nanny."

"Will you call me Richard?" He slightly sat up. Something, relief, washed over him at knowing that she'll be back, even if it was for a little while.

"Really? That's what you get after all I just said, Mr.Pelton?"




"If you continue to act childish your children will wake up."

They stared at each other, neither willing to back down.

She sighed and looked away while he slightly smirked.

"Fine, Richard. Anyways, I still have the Wilton children to take care of, so I'll stop by in the evenings, stay the night and go back in the morning. I expect Margot to be looked after while I'm gone."

He got up from his seat and looked down at her with a smile.

"I'll personally tend to Margot. Thank you for doing this Annabel."

She looked up at him and lightly blushed, but scrunched her eyebrows slightly together.

"I'm not doing this for you."

"I know, still th-"

"Are you two done being lovey dovey? I'd like to see mama now." Maggie crossed her arms at her father who gave her a sheepish smile as he walked out.

"We're not being lovey dovey." Annabel got up from her chair and hugged Maggie tight as she walked into the room.

"You might have denied it, but he hasn't. I don't know if you've realized it yet, but papa is head over heals for you."

"Why is this the first thing you say to me from not seeing each other for an entire month?"

"Because you two are stupid and in love."

"We are not."

"Totally are."


"I give you my blessing by the way. I'd totally want you to be my real mama, not that you aren't, but you know. "


"What? I just wanted to let you know that you have it."

Mr.Pelton and His Five ChildrenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora