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"We're home!" Maggie called out as they walked into the large house. "And guess who's with us!" 

Samantha rushed out of the kitchen and to the foyer. Her eyes light up when she saw Annabel helping with carrying some of the cases in.

"Annabel!" She called out to her. Annabel turned around and the two women hugged. "Are you back for good?"

"I don't know if it's for good," she looked back at the children with a smile on her face, "but, I am their nanny again."

"Oh that's just wonderful news!" Samantha crushed her in a hug again.

"Welcome home Miss. Annabel." The butler said as he walked past her. He played it cool, but he was very glad she was back. He was starting to miss her laughter and crazy antics.

"Thank you." She said back to him.

Samantha caught the longing look Richard gave Annabel when he walked in and she gasped.

"What's wrong?" Annabel asked her.

"Did you...are you and Sir. Oh God, I'm so happy! You have to tell me what happened." She excitedly said and clutched Annabel's hands.

"Nothing happened." Annabelle's reassured her. "Actually, something did. Something big, but that's up to Mr.Pelton to tell you."

Just then Samantha noticed that Rebeca wasn't with them.

"Pray tell, where is that talking trash bag?" She said in a quiet voice.

Annabel only smiled at her.

"Up to Mr.Pelton."


It was over dinner time that Richard Pelton dropped the bomb on everyone. Granted, he already told Annabel days before.

"I'd just like to announce that my engagement to Rebeca Von Eckerman has been called off. We will not be seeing each other anymore." He randomly said at one of the very few quiet intervals.

The children all stopped eating, Maggie's mouth hung open with unchewed food, George spat out the juice he was drinking, the twins just stared at their father and Margot continued to eat.

"I don't like Eckerman. Happy I don't see her again." Margot said and gave her dad a thumbs up.

Excited chatter filled the dinning room, Richard couldn't remember when was the last time he saw his kids brim with so much happiness and energy.

"Did they really hater her that much?" He asked Annabel as she walked behind him and to the other side of the table to help Sam with cutting his food.

"Oh yes, I'm surprised you haven't noticed until now."

He just shook his head at his own oblivion, but he had a smile on his face. He might have noticed it late, but at least Rebecca wasn't here anymore and Annabel was.  The women he truly loved, not that she knew that.

After Annabel was sure the younger kids could handle themselves, she too sat down and began eating her dinner.

Everyone conversed in light conversation and laughter was heard throughout the entire house, something that wasn't heard when Rebeca was around.

Dessert came, vanilla ice cream with a side of warmed up brownie and chocolate sauce. 

"So, I've been wondering." Maggi said, dipping her spoon in the ice cream. She looked up at her father and then at Annabel. "Have you two kissed yet?"

Annabel choked on her food and began coughing. Richard immediately got up from his chair and went over to her, handing her his glass of water and patting her back.

Mr.Pelton and His Five ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now