The Engagement

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"Ms. Von Eckerman is here, Master Richard." James led the lady into the tea room where they had their tea and breakfast.

The tea room was very bright with the amount of sunlight coming in from the windows. Three of its walls were glass that peered over the field where the horses grazed in.

The children had a separate, bigger, round table than their father, who had a table for two and always sat alone. Occasionally, he would force Annabel to sit and eat with him, insisting that Margot didn't need help with eating all the time and that she herself should be eating meals during their proper time and not later because she was looking after them. Meals first.

This time, Annabel was feeding Margot, mostly teaching her how to eat by herself, so she has created some sort of mess and Richard was at his table alone.

Rebeca Von Eckerman stepped into the sunlit room, eyes surveying the place. A look of slight irritation crossed her face when she saw Annabel and the mess Margot was creating.

"Good morning Richard. I thought I told you to fire her and that I was going to find you someone better?" She walked up to Richard, her heels clicking on the ground.

He got up and kissed her cheek in greeting, one hand on her hips.

Maggie and George shared a disgusted look.

"Ms.Annabel will not be leaving. She looks after the children with excellent care and love. I won't hear another word about finding a replacement for her." He sat back down and went back to reading the newspaper.

"Alright, but don't make me say I told you so." She sat down in the other chair and when Richard put down the newspaper, they began small talk.

"What do you thinks gotten into papa?" Maggie whispered to George.

"Idiocy and stupidity if you ask me." He whispered back.

"George!" Maggie said in whispered surprise.

"It's true. He could have the best women in the world right here but he doesn't want to believe his own heart." He said even more quietly so Annabel couldn't hear.

They both watched her slightly laugh when Margot flicked food at her face.

"True, an idiot indeed." Maggie sighed and they went back to eating their breakfast with solemn expressions.


"Papa, I thought you and I were going to go over some paper work?" George asked his father who was grabbing his Homburg hat and buttoning up his blazer.

"After I take Ms.Eckerman in town to do some shopping." Richard held his arm out for Rebeca and she placed her hand on it.

"We'll see you children after noon." She said, standing closer to Richard than necessary.

"Be good to Annabel." Richard said opening the door and closing it after them when they stepped out.

"Ooo I'm going to take RebeCa out shopping! Ooo she's hanging off of me and pressing her breasts on my arm. Ooo I'm going to shower her with gifts!" Maggie said in a mocking higher than her normal voice tone.

George sniggered.

"Don't say that out loud in fear she might hear you and slap you." He said and Maggie burst out laughing.

"Like papa would let her. She'll be kicked out as soon as she does." She giggled at the thought but George frowned.

"Yeah, but he didn't do anything when she hit mama."



Moments after they were done with their lunch, someone was at the door.

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