S3 »Smoke Signal

Start from the beginning

Everyone, except (Y/n) and Historia started walking towards Sasha. Connie looked at Sasha with a raised eyebrow as he placed his hand on his waist, Armin grabbed Sasha's arm.

[Connie]: Give it back..

[Eren]: Hey, focus! We gotta finish cleaning before the captain gets back!..

[Connie]: Hey, put the bread back!..

(Y/n) wipes the sweat from her forehead, looks around the house until her eyes settle on some dust on the table. She quickly approached and when she was about to pass her hand, the entrance door was heard.

Historia turned towards the door when she heard footsteps approaching and saw two people approaching, Captain Levi and Louis.

[Levi]: What's this commotion about?..

[Connie]: How many times have you done this now?..

[Armin]: Our foods reserves!..-Armin said, grabbing the bread from Masha's bag, while she raised her arms-

[Jean]: Cut the crap, Potato Girl!..

Eren and (Y/n) look back and tensed when they saw Levi approach the table, (Y/n) quickly hid behind Eren. Everyone stops their bickering at Sasha and look over to see Levi rubbing the table. When Levi ran his hand under the table, the dirt fell onto his hand, Louis heaved a sigh as he reached into his pockets for a handkerchief for Levi. He then looks at his hand with pure disgust before turning to them.

[Levi]: I'm quite sure I gave you enough time..

Eren places his hand on his head and shakes his head, as everyone glances at each other. (Y/n) looked at the boys with a smile.

[Louis]: We'll discuss your lax cleaning job another time...-Levi looks at him, Louis handed him a cloth. Levi grabs it and wipes his hand as he goes and looks over at the two Titan Shifters- 

[Levi]: Eren, (Y/n).. Hanji is itching to get the experiment started..

[Y/n and Eren]: R-Right..-The two replied, nervously-


(Y/n) bit her hand, causing blood to come out and stain her mouth, but nothing happened. Eren's Titan lets out a roar as his body of him slams against the ground. (Y/n) looks at him worried while Mikasa shouts his name from him.

[Mikasa]: Eren!!...

[Hanji]: What's wrong, Eren?! Get up!..(Y/N), why don't you transform?!!..-Hanji yells from a cliff- The future of humanity is riding on the two! Get up, dammit!..-Levi, was beside her, stares down at Eren's deformed Titan body and goes to speak-

[Levi]: Hey, four-eyes. He's not quite the same this time. He's not even 10 meters, and some of his body de él doesn't have muscle. Plus, Eren's ass is hanging out..

[Louis]: And I think (Y/n) is happening the same thing that happened to Eren in the past..

[Hanji]: I can see that! Eren! Can you still move?! Give us a signal or something!..-Mikasa jumps off her horse and begins to run over to Eren-

[Mikasa]: Eren!..-Jean looks over to her and calls out her name. Levi watches her and speaks again-

[Levi]: Hey... That gloomy brat is acting on her own again. Time to think up a punishment?..-Hanji shakes her head-

[Louis]: No, there's no signal...

[Hanji]: We're done here! Eren!..-Hanji and Moblit fly towards Eren while Louis walked towards Levi and stay on his side while Levi just watches them go-

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