I sighed as I grabbed the croissant and he set the cup of coffee down next to me. "Thanks." I slightly muttered.

He just smiled faintly and nodded.

"Espresso. Where did you get all of this?" I said as tasted it and was completely impressed.

"In the office."

My lips curled in amusement as I said, "Wow." I wanted to ask him how he did it, and I thought it's cool that he was able to steal some goods, but I am too stoic to strike up a conversation ever since of the incident with the shadows back there made me feel anxious and furious, and now I'm mentally worn out.

Cam and I were sitting between the warrior angel statue and gargoyle, with the paper bag between us, ALONE at the rooftop. Which is surprising when I don't feel uncomfortable around him— on the contrary, I feel comfortable.

As I feel— familiar with this feeling.
Okay, I need to stop thinking about that.

Cam also bought a lot more than just a coffee and delicious croissants,  he opened the paper bag and took the goods out; a pack of potato chips, popcorn and muffin but I still don't know where he got this box of blueberries which I love.

"Enjoy." Cam said, setting the water bottle next to me before leaning back against the statue of the warrior angel, his legs crossed, and he gazed up at the sky.

About the view around the castle. I can really see the whole place, the green grasses on the ground, a garden, courtyard, cemetery and forests and especially the amazing view from the sky. I can see almost the whole world from up here. It's kinda... beautiful from up here.

I wanted to sketch these views but when I looked back at him. I had an urge to make a piece for him. My pencil between my fingers twitched over the paper. I sighed and looked down and drew a light circle for margin. Then when I returned my gaze, he spoke up-

"Hmn, you're not scared of heights?" he looked down at me, gazing on my eyes. Unlike Cam, he wasn't too stoic to strike up a conversation.

"I'm not scared of anything," I said, despite the fact that thinking about shadows makes me uncomfortable rather than scared, as I began to realize. I took a bite of croissant and looked away, then gave him a quick glance because I don't want to make eye contact at this moment when we're both alone.

"Oh?" Cam sat up straight, moved his leg closer to his abdomen, and rested his arm over his knee, looking at me with his green eyes in interested. I wonder if he was really gazing at me at all or at the view of that pretty cumulus clouds and forests behind me.

"Why would I? I know how life goes. Life's a meaningless."

I shook my head, I closed the journal and put it back on my bag.

"Can't disagree with that." He smirked and watched the garden with some people around. "Life's a bitch."

"And I agree with that." I pointed him and he laughed softly. I finally grabbed my coffee and took a two sips and tasted the richness flavor and it made my energy boost and calm down my nerves.

I took another bite of my croissant. "I mean, if I cared about life so much, I wouldn't be here with my stalker." I teased and shrugged childishly before jumping down on the next layer of the rooftop, standing near the edge, and leaning my shoulder on the principal angel statue while eating my croissant.

Cam's lips curled in amusement as he grinned at my silly joke, "Just a friend. Not a stalker." he explained, gesturing his hands to prove his point.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 || CAM BRIELKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat