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Talia Hale- 46: (Deceased // The Hale House Fire)Talia was the wife of Christopher Hale, the sister of Peter Hale, and the mother of Hayden, Laura, Derek, Cora, Nathan, Cadence, Lucas and Jessica Hale. She was an aunt to her siblings kids, as well as the alpha of the Hale pack. Talia loved her children very much and would do anything for them. 

Christopher Hale- 48 (Deceased // The Hale House Fire)Chris was the husband of Talia, the brother in law of Peter, Andrew and Emily, the father of Hayden, Laura, Derek, Cora, Nathan, Cadence, Lucas and Jessica Hale. He was an uncle to his siblings in law's kids. Chris would have done anything for his children and he loved them all very much and died, getting them away from the danger that killed, him and his wife. 

Peter Hale- 36: Peter is the uncle of the hale children, he is not dead, however, he is physically impaired and cannot move at all, he was closest with his nephews, Hayden, Derek, Nathan and especially Lucas. He was also quite close with the girls and he loved them all equally. His nieces and nephews came to visit him often and he could hear every word they said and he could see them perfectly, but he couldn't talk back or move. All he could do was watch their sadness grow and grow and grow over the years. 

Hayden Hale- 26: He is the oldest hale sibling, he is very protective of his younger siblings, especially the twins, Lucas and Jessica. He has legal guardianship over 6 of his siblings, which he shares with Laura, his oldest sister, but still younger than him. He is a deputy at the Beacons County Sheriffs Department, alongside Sheriff Noah Stilinski, Deputy Jordan Parrish, Deputy Valerie Clark and Deputy Camden Lahey. He was 21 when his house was caught on fire.

Laura Hale- 24: She is the second oldest hale sibling but the oldest girl. She is always looking out for her siblings and doesn't really care about anyone besides her family members. She has legal guardianship over 6 of her siblings, which she shares with Hayden, her older brother. She is an English teacher at Beacon Hills High.  She teaches some of her siblings, Jessica, Lucas, Cadence and Nathan. She was 19 when her house was caught on fire. 

Derek Hale- 16: He is the third oldest hale sibling and the second boy. Derek will do almost anything and has done almost everything for his siblings. His older siblings took the guardian ship over him when his house burned. He is the one who looks for other packs and younger wolves so that him and his siblings can help them learn control. He is a senior at Beacon Hills High. He was 11 when his house was caught on fire. 

Cora Hale- 14: She is the fourth hale sibling and the second girl. Cora is someone who doesn't trust easily and you really have to earn her trust, she really only trusts her siblings. Cora is closest with her older brother Derek. Her older siblings took the guardianship over her when the house burned down. She is a Vet Assistant along with Scott McCall and Isaac Lahey. She is a junior at Beacon Hills High. She was 9 when her house was caught on fire. 

Nathan Hale- 12: He is the fifth hale sibling and the third boy. Nathan is very caring and very hardworking. He doesn't let anyone or anything get in his way and he is great at almost everything he does. Nathan has Anxiety and Panic Attacks pretty often but his siblings always help him through it. His older siblings took guardianship over him when the house burned down. He is a freshman at Beacon Hills High. He was 7 when his house was caught on fire. 

Cadence Hale- 12:  She is the sixth hale sibling and the third girl. Cadence is very smart and is quick to figure things out and is definitely closest with her twin brother Nathan and also their younger siblings, Jessica and Luke. Cadence also has Anxiety and Panic Attacks but again, their siblings are very helpful. Her older siblings took guardianship over her when the house burned down. She is a freshman at Beacon Hills High. She was 7 when her house was caught on fire.

Lucas Hale- 12: He is the seventh hale sibling and the fourth boy. Luke is the kind of person who loves to help others and make everybody happy, but it is usually at the expense of his own happiness. He has Anxiety and Panic Attacks and nightmares and social anxiety disorder. but he has help from his family. His older siblings took guardianship over him when the house burned down. He is a freshman at Beacon Hills High. He was 7 when his house was caught on fire.

Jessica Hale- 12: She is the youngest hale sibling and the fourth girl. Jessica has a lot of emotional trauma and even though it's been 5 years since the fire, she never really got over it. She has Anxiety and Panic Attacks and SAD just like her twin brother. She is still a very positive person though. Her older siblings took guardianship over him when the house burned down. She is a freshman at Beacon Hills High. She was 7 when her house was caught on fire.

Hayden's best friends: (28) Jordan Parrish, Valerie Clark, Alex Argent, Jasmine Whittemore, Courtney Bryant and Camden Lahey. // Lucy Bell, Cole Osborn, Graham Short, Liliana Dickman. 

Laura's best friends: (26) Leah Martin, Marcus Tate/Hale, Spencer McCall, Marissa Holloway, Daphne Mahealani and Kyle Yukimura. // Justin Upton, Lucinda Rowe, Clarissa Nash, Jake Fry.

Derek's best friends: (16) Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinki, Isaac Lahey, Allison Argent, Malia Hale, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Aiden and Ethan Steiner, Theo Raeken, Danny Mahealani and Jackson Whittemore. // Greta Darnell, Dexter Johnson, Victoria Drake, Brendan Moore.

Cora's best friends: (14) Stella Stilinski, Savannah and Samantha McCall, Juliette and Jonathan Whittemore, Tara Raeken, Caleb and Griffin Steiner, Matthew Hewitt, Lyle and Leo Martin and London Dunbar. // Olivia Spears, Cameron Smith, Tessa May, Hunter Beck.

Nathan, Cadence, Lucas and Jessica's best friends: (12) Liam Dunbar, Hayden Romero, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Nolan Holloway, Andrew and Addie Argent, Isabella and Camilla Lahey, Jocelyn Parrish and Jenna and Jacob Whittemore. // Leah Pots, Rose Wilt, Bryan Pole, Ty Rome. 

The McCalls: Melissa and Rafael
Spencer- 26
Scott- 16
Savannah- 14
Samantha- 14

The Stilinskis: Noah and Claudia
Stiles- 16
Stella- 14

The Martins: George and Natalie
Leah- 26
Lydia- 16
Lyle and Leo- 14

The Hales: Peter and Corraine
Marcus- 26
Malia- 16

The Whittemores: David and Penelope
Jasmine- 28
Jackson- 16
Juliette and Jonathan- 14
Jenna and Jacob- 12

The Laheys: Evan and Catherine
Camden- 28
Isaac- 16
Camilla and Isabella- 12

The Argents: Chris and Victoria
Alex- 28
Allison- 16
Andrew and Addie- 12

The Dunbars: David and Jenna
London- 14
Liam- 12

The Hewitts: Henry and Claire
Matthew- 14
Mason- 12

The Bryants: Jason and Tiffany
Courtney- 28
Corey- 12

The Steiners: Isaiah and Kayla 

Ethan and Aiden- 16
Caleb- 14
Griffin- 14

The Holloways: Owen and Annie
Marissa- 26
Nolan- 12

The Parrishs: Terry and Alice 
Jordan- 28
Jocelyn- 12

The Mahealanis: William and Lillian
Daphne- 26
Danny- 16

The Yukimuras: Ken and Noshiko 
Kyle- 26
Kira- 16

The Raekens: Jonathan and Charlotte
Theo- 16
Tara- 14

The Romeros/Clarks: 
Valerie- 28
Hayden- 12

This is mainly about the hale family and their struggles as 2 kids raise 6 more, with their parents gone and their uncle in a really bad condition. They go through everything that normal teenagers and young adults go through, just with being a werewolf and their family dying in a fire being added. Everyone who is supernatural in the show is supernatural during the whole book and despite the age differences, all of the kids that are in school are all friends with each other. 

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