Shifting Dream: Alt Linaria and Peter Pan (Darling Girl)

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This features Peter Pan from the book, "Darling Girl" by Liz Michalski

Dream: Alternate Linria and Alt Sebastian (Newt)

I dreamed Linaria's year was 2190, but no one remembered the Shadow Wars. Sebastian (nickname is Newt) walked by a bit huffy and ignored me. While he was away, someone came in and took me from behind. I thought it was Newt at first, but then I realized he was away. He began kissing me, I could feel his body against me. He leaned me over on my hands and knees and had seggs with me. I looked behind me and a young man about 16 or 17 looking (the same age as me and Newt in my DR). He was beautiful with messy blonde hair. He was much stronger than me, probably stronger than most men, though he didn't look it. He had a cold look to him. He looked at me like a predator looks at its prey. But he was fantastic when it came to seggs. He was warm, gentle, and magical and his kisses were like little butterflies down my neck. I finally found Newt a week later in the public heated pool. I asked if he was ready to come home but he didn't hear me. He kept talking about another girl who had a kid. He couldn't decide if he wanted her or not. I jerked my hand back at the news and left him. Peter (I thought he was a ghost in the dream because he could fly and was quick). He didn't tell me he was Peter Pan, he told me his name was Chaz (was he undercover? lol) I couldn't manipulate the dream, but it still felt like a dream. He continued to visit me every night, never asking my permission, yet I didn't mind at the same time.

I went through my apartment, but when I opened the door there was a forest outside. I was in the doorway, suddenly confused. I think I was in the void because it was dark as well as my dream was there.

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