Intense Shifting Dream & a Warning

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Dream: Shifting Warning

I was in a room filled with people talking, laughing, and partying. Then, they died and I was surrounded by putrid, rotting corpses. Some of the corpses were so decayed and bloody that you could no longer pull them apart. The smell alone was rancid and rank and I wanted nothing more than to be out of that room.

Then, in the middle of the room was Jesus. He had an intense look, wanting nothing more than to get through to anyone who would listen.

"You cannot interact with them," He said, referring to the corpses, "they are lifeless. For some of you, take a good look at these corpses because this is what you are having sex with. This is a plane going down and you will not like where it is headed."

The room was revealed as our desired reality and the corpses are who we've all been trying to get to.

We've all been so busy arguing whether shifting was real or not that we failed to ask the important questions.

What is the source?

What have we truly been interacting with? What is under the mask wearing our favorite characters' faces and luring us in?

Shifting is a deception designed to fool us. It is a deception so strong it is designed to fool all five of our senses including touch.

"And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables."  - 2 Timothy 4:4

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