The beach!

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I woke up to the sound of knocking at the door. "Come in." I said, my voice a little hoarse, rubbing my eyes as the door opened. "Good morning sleepy heads, get up let's go before there's a lot of people." It was Elira, Shu just turned my way, hugging a pillow. "Gmorning." I mumbled, she turned on the light, causing Shu and I to bring our hand to our eyes. "Come on come on! Let's go already! You're the one who invited us!" Shouted Finana excitedly.

We groaned as they pulled us out of bed and shoved us into the bathroom. Shu just uasss his magic to get ready and then walked out. I on the other hand just did my basic morning routine and walked out. I just threw on a loose shirt and shorts, clothes that Shu specifically made for me.

Soon everyone jumped into Shu's car and he drove us to the beach.


The sound of the waves crashing at the shore and smell of the sea brought back memories of when I used to live here. I looked at Finana, she looked happy and relaxed. "Let's go!" Shouted Pomu, her and Elira ran to the shore after throwing off their covers, leaving them in their bikinis. Finana and I just walked towards the shore taking our tops off. Shu covers our stuff so that no one would take them.

We made our way to the water and as soon as me and Finana were fully submerged our forms changed. 'This feels nice' this is amazing. The cool water surrounding me and my [Y/C] colored tail shining from the sun. We moved back to the surface where the other three were. "Wow, haven't seen you guys is those forms in a while." Elira swims around us looking at our tails and other non human features. I playfully splashed my tail above the water towards Pomu. "Hey! Unfair." She says and uses her hands to splash me back.

We continued to laugh and play around on the deeper side of the beach so no body saw us. Shu kept a cover over us but still, safety. Soon we came out of the water to eat.

"Everyone dig in!" Said Elira as she took the food out of the basket. We munched on the sandwiches and snacks she made. "We should do this more often." Sighed Pomu as she laid back on the blanket. "We should— how about every weekend." I suggested, looking out towards the ocean. "Yes agreed." Finana immediately agrees with me. Then the other three do as well.

After a while I stood up. "Ah ah come here first." Shu says in a motherly tone. "Yes mom." I playfully answered as I stood next to him. He grabbed my wrist and tapped it with his pointer and middle finger. A symbol appeared and glowed above my skin until it made contact with it and it was placed on top. "I won't get lost ya know." I say as he lets go of me. I rub the magic symbol and it doesn't budge. "You too Finana." He says ignoring me.

He does the same to her. "The last time you guys swam off— you swam so far and then returned to the wrong beach." He says, reminding us. I stuck my tongue out and ran to the water before he could scold me more, leaving Finana behind. I jumped into the water and went back to my other form.

Finana caught up with me. "[Y/N], I'm gonna go visit my little fish friends." She tells me and I just nod as she swam off to the coral area. I decided to swim a bit deeper, where I would usually swim. To keep out of eye sight.


I happily swam around, swimming along side all kinds of sea creatures. The whales sang a happy tune as I laid on top of them. I swam a bit lower to see the sea urchins and what not until something caught my eye.

'I that a cave?' I waved bye to the sea creature that swam around me and swam towards the dark cavern. "Has this always been here?" I mumbled out loud. Touching the rock wall, peaking inside. It seemed to lead upwards. And of course, I followed it.

After swimming a long distance I saw light. I slowed my pace as I creeped towards the surface. I moved towards the side of the opening against the wall a bit more. Soon the floor of the cave started to turn into white marble flooring with gold streaks. 'Does someone own this?' I thought, keeping my hand against the side of the now pool I was in.

It was still a bit dark— I doubt anyone could see me but just in case. I moved my hand on a circular motion in front of me creating a water bubble. I surrounded my self with it. With this anyone on the outside can't see me. I peaked my head above the water and saw a few men in black suits. I looked around at the place I was in.

It had a lot of gold covered items on the wall and like the floor of the pool— the floor they were standing on was made of white marble and streaks of gold running through it. I looked up at the ceiling but just for a second before the door opened.

When it did the people standing around stoops up straight and stiff. 'What's wrong with them?' There were two people who walked into the room. It was a black haired man with red streaks and a blond ma— 'Is that Luca?' When they entered the room Luca laughed loudly causing it to echo a bit.

I looked at the symbols above the door. I gasped— it was a lion symbol. I quickly looked at the men in suits who were standing around. They all had a lion symbol on them as well either on their neck or hand. 'That doesn't technically mean he's apart of the mafia.' "That person was a bit fishy." Luca said aloud followed with a laugh. The man beside himself just scowled at his poor joke. "Look I don't care who takes that position— just find someone who won't run away." He shrugs his shoulders, sitting down on one of the chairs. Luca followed him— sitting across of him.

"Well I still need their name." He says, "Their quite interesting." He smiled to himself. "So, Vox, do I have permission to take this person in?" 'Vox!? As in the demon Vox?' I accidentally reacted to hard causing the water around me to splash.

All eyes were now on the pool. "Hmm?" Hummed Vox as he and Luca stared into the empty pool. 'Thank Kami I learned how to do this.'

I spoke to early

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