Terrible Working Space

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I woke up with a major headache as the alarm went off. I groaned as I slammed my hand down on it. "This is the worst." I grumbled, sitting up and grabbing my forehead, slightly massaging it.

I looked around. 'How did I get home?' I note on my phone caught my attention. "I brought you home, and since I did I took a few of your snacks (^з^)- - Finana" 'Wait— what day is it.?" I took the note off of my phone and turned on the screen. "Fuck!" I shouted, tearing of the blanket I was under and ran to the bathroom.

I took a very quick shower and did my morning routine. I changed into my work outfit and ran to the kitchen. I popped a pill for my headache and downed a glass of water. I started to sweat a bit as it felt like the clock was moving faster than it actually was. I quickly grabbed my side bag and other daily items I bring.

When I ran to my garage, it was gone. "You have got to be kidding me." I mumbled out loud in disbelief. 'My motorcycle is at the bar.' I ran my hand through my hair as I hurried to call a cab.

A few minutes later and they arrived. I quickly hopped in and told the my destination.


"You're late!!" Shouted my boss as he slammed down his papers onto his desk. I glanced at he clock on the wall. 'There's still one more minute.' "Sorry sir— it won't happen again." I said as I bowed my head. He just scoffed and then said "How do you expect to save your brother with that attitude." I pulled my hand into a fist as I gripped my bag tighter, my knuckles turning white. "Sorry sir, I'll work harder." He just scoffed again and threw a few papers at me. "Print these before the morning meeting." And with that I walked out, closing the door gently.

'One day— One day I will send my fist into his old ugly face.' I mentally cursed my boss as I made my way to my cubicle. "Yo! [Y/N] you alright? You look like you're going to kill someone." It was Shu. I forced a smile onto my face. "No no I'm fine." I say, my mouth twitched as I placed my items in my drawer. "If you wanna sound more convincing you gotta fix that smile." He comments with a small chuckle, turning back to his own computer. My lip twitched again as I smiled at him. "Shu. The day barely started, the next small inconvenience will tip me off." I warned and he just responded with "Yes yes."

I sighed as I grabbed the papers my good for nothing boss gave me and made my way to the copier. The words "won't be able to save your brother." Rang through my head as I put in the amount of copy's. 'What does that bastard know.' I furrowed my eyebrows.

I sighed as I grabbed the newly printed papers and placed them on my desk. I sighed as I crackled my neck and started my work.


Today went by quiet smoothly, the meetings we had today were flowing and everyone was in a happy mood. Almost everyone. That's what I thought until just a few second ago.

I stretched upward as I had just finished my work for today. "Are you done [Y/N]? Should we get going?" Shu asked as I heard his own pc shut down. "Yup!" I said happily and as soon as I rolled my chair back I was drenched in a beverage.

"Awe great! Good going [Y/N]. You just had to bump into me." That was my boss' voice. 'I'm going to punch this man to next year.' "[Y/N]! Are you okay?" Shu asked, concerned as he leaned over to my side of the cubicle. "Yes— I'm fine." I said in a shakey voice trying to keep my cool. "Gosh you just made me waste my soda." My boss complained from behind me. "Sorry sir." I said, as I looked down at my wet clothes. "Sorry? Go grab my another drink!" He demanded as he stomped away. "I might just kill someone today Shu." I say loud enough for only Shu to hear me.

"Hey you could get fired for that, be careful." He warns. I just stand straight up and grab another drink from the office fridge that was literally only a few steps away. I groaned as I was still wet and the cold ac blew against me with every step I took.

Eventually I placed the drink on my boss' desk. He wasn't in the room so I stuck my middle finger at his chair and walked out.

When I got back Shu handed me his coat. I gave him a smile "Thank you." I said as we grabbed our belongings and made our way to the garage.

"[Y/N] how'd you get to work today?" He asked, noticing how my motorcycle wasn't parked anywhere. " A cab." I answered, wrapping the coat around me more as the wind blew in a bit. "Where's your motorcycle?" He asked as we made it to his car. "At LazuLight Bar. Finana dropped me off at home laste night because h passed out." I answered truthfully, scratching the back of my head.

Shu forced me into his car as he drove me to the bar. "Don't get drunk on a the week days. He scolded as he parked next to my bike. "Yes sir." I cried as he scolded me the whole time here. "Go home, If you don't go straight home— I'll know." I just smiled and nodded, a bit scared. 'Shu can be such a mom some times.' I mentally cried as I sat on my bike. Watching him drive off.

'Its so cold.' I thought as I was still wet. 'Let's get home quickly before I catch a cold.' And with that I drove home.

As soon as I got home I ran straight to the bathroom and took a nice, warm bath. After a while of warming up again I cleaned myself and got out, changing into comfortable clothes. Falling into a much needed sleep.

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