Part 6

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Fun fact:
When wrighting this, the keys are too close togeather, so it wrightes 'Quackity' as 'Wuavkity'

Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes, the app I used when wrighting this did not have auto-correct,


Thank you if you read this

"I'll deal with the p#ssy!" Karl called as he went to the door.

He opened the door, looked Purpled up and down- then said. "Fu#k you- Fu#king b#tch!"

Just as Karl slammed the door, purpled stuck his goot infront of the door to stop it from closing.
"Alright!" Purpled spat. "I just wanted to appologise! If I'm not welcome here then I'll leave!"

"Your not welcome here, so leave!" Karl answered him, unbeliving. "Go home!"

"I can't!" Purpled told him. "My home was in Las Nevadas! Im not aloud home!"

"Then where do you stay?"
"With my brother."
"You have a brother?"
"Yep, my older brother Punz!"
"Yep, I'll be going now!" Purpled finished, pushing the door shut.

Karl was speachless as he watched purpled walk away. After a few minutes, he heared Sapnap's voice. "Is he gone?"
"Y..yeah..!" Karl stampered, closing and locking the door before running back to his fiancés.

It was a few hours after Purpled's visit and Sapnap had left with Charlie off to god knows where so Karl decided to text Punz.

It was a few hours after Purpled's visit and Sapnap had left with Charlie off to god knows where so Karl decided to text Punz

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Karl turned his phone off and flopped onto his fiancé, Quackity, who had beed trying to see the texts, but failed at doing so

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Karl turned his phone off and flopped onto his fiancé, Quackity, who had beed trying to see the texts, but failed at doing so.

About an hour and a half later Sapnap and Charlie walked in so see Karl and Quackity sleeping on the couch, yet again, meaning that Sapnap had to carry them into the bedroom, yet again.

When Sapnap places Karl down, his eyes started to flicker open. "Nick..?"
"Sorry- Karl did I wake you?"
"Yes. You did." Karl spat, still half asleap.
Sapnap lifted Karl and pished his head into Karl's chest. Nick chuckeled softly, "Sorry, darling."

Quackity's, who the two thought was asleap, voice sounded up. "Atleast lie bed, me amours, you're gonna make me jelous!"

At that, Karl sprang from Sapnap onto Quackity. Quackity groaned when Karl landed on him.

"Alex.?" Sapnap tried, sounding worried.
"Did I hurt you Ducky?!" Karl squealed.
Quackity sat up and wrapped his arms around Karl, burrying his head into Karl's shoulder.
"Im fine..." He mumbled.

Karl shared a glance with Sapnap, before swinging Quackity over his shoulder-onto the bed- and snuggling into him. Sapnap followed and cuddled into Quackity's other side.

When Quackity woke up, Karl wasn't there. He nugged Sapnap. "W..what..?" Sapnap mummbled, eyes flickering open to look at his fiancé. "Where's Karl?" Quackity asked.
"Probably working."
"This early?!" Quackity shot up.
Sapnap pulled him back down, "He'll probably explain when he gets back. Untilk then go to sleep, he'll be back soon." Sapnap assured him.
"Alright.." Quackity mumbled, pulling his head into Sapnap's chest. "Love you.."
"Love you." Sapnap finished, kissing his fiancé.

Around an hour and a half later, Karl got back from 'working' and Quackity woke up straight away. "Your finally back."
Karl smiled, "Have you been waiting?" He asked.
"Sappy forced me to sleep." He told him, "Why were you working so early anyway? Sapnap said you might 'explain something to me' whatever that means."
"I will later, Ducky."

Karl got a notifcation on his phone, and Quackity watched was Karl checked what it was, typed something out, sigh, put his phone down, all before flopping down on Quackity. Quackity held karl's hands in return.
"What does 'amour' mean?" Karl asked.
"It means love, mi amour."
"Then, I amour you!"
"Yo tambien te amo querido"
"I'm not fluent in spanish!" Karl argued
"I said 'I love you too darling' is that bad?"
"No! I just didn't know what it ment!"

"Your too loud!" Sapnap spat, "Ether sleep or be quiet!"

Karl and Quackity shared a glance, "Sorry mi amour..." they both replied, obviously trying not to laugh.

Sapnap sat up and gave them both a kiss on the head before lying back down. The two boys followed and snuggled in bed, Quackity forcing Karl into the middle so that he doesn't leave again.

Hope you enjoyed!!!!

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