Twenty Nine

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"Oh dear, I'm I late?"

You spoke as you landed a couple of steps behind him

"Hmm? Just in time babe"

You could only roll your eyes at his pet name for you, and as he said with a gentle smile but his gray iris shaken for a moment seeing wearing a different outfit

"You changed outfit?"

Unlike earlier where you were wearing your assassin outfit, right now you're just wearing a casual attire, a black long sleeves pair with black pants and combat boots. Your still wet hair tied into a pony tail.


You gave him a nod

"Things gets... A little messy in there"

You said with a sigh, lying straight on his face

Lying to him was one thing but that only means he wasn't aware of your sudden disappearance which is you don't know if it's good or not.

"But isn't this great? We're wearing our couple clothes"

You said with a smile, standing by his side


You trail off looking around

It seems like every single on of his shadows was in here.

"What were you about to do before I came here?"

You said with a smirk

And he smirk back at you, he then raise his hand.

"My shadows,"

He was glancing at you as he said that.

Dang it.


That was so fucking hot.

Watching his shadow charged as said toward the direction of the portal in the heart of Tokyo.

You let out a heart felt laugh, cheeks flushed as you grab him by the collar of his top and started kissing him passionately.

"That was hot Sung Jinwo"

You smirk, licking your lower lip as you pull away from the kiss, letting go of his collar in the process

"See you later dear"

You said with a wink, jumping off to the battle flied to go wild.

Skill 'Stealth' Activated

The Girl From Another World (Sung Jinwo)Where stories live. Discover now