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Private System Warning!

Protagonist 'Sung Jinwo' is facing a dangerous situation

Interfere with the current plot scenario

Yes || No

Automatically accepted after

30 seconds

Your jaw dropped, but upon realizing you're currently drinking, you're force to swallow your drink which almost cause you to choke as you stare at the warning right in front of your face.

Though it wasn't the first time you've seen such warning, it never failed to startle you, specially when it would just appear out of nowhere, in the middle of the day or night.

"What the hell?"

You utter you look at the transparent screen right in front of you

Thankfully you are on your break right now or everybody would be suspicious of just staring blankly ahead.

Now once again thinking about the subject, Jinwo was yet to come out of the dungeon, and now the system is alarming that he is in danger.

And he wasn't even the same guy with low stats, just what the hell is happening with that guy?

You could not help but to ask yourself as you let out a sigh.

Once again the screen in front of you flicker.

Interfere with the current plot scenario

Yes || No

Seconds Remaining


"Well this better be a joke"

You said with a sigh before touching the No

But it would not process as you watch the remaining seconds tik down.

You press it in the air again and again but it won't do a thing.

Seconds Remaining


You have automatically accept the surprised quest

You will soon be teleported to the whereabouts of the Protagonist 'Sung Jinwo'

The Girl From Another World (Sung Jinwo)Where stories live. Discover now