Chapter 10: Facing Nick after everything

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As soon as Nick heard Molly start to climb the stairs, she tiptoed straight back into their room, switched off the light and tucked herself back up in bed.

The sight of Nick apparently fast asleep in bed after all she'd just been through made Molly feel quite annoyed, but she jumped into bed, switched on her bedside light and started reading in the hope that would send her to sleep.

"You did good, girl," Nick piped up.

Molly: "I thought you were asleep?"

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Molly: "I thought you were asleep?"

Nick: "Oh no, Molly, I heard all that downstairs. You did good."

Molly: "Well, I didn't do it for you."

Nick: "You did it to protect your ass from a beating. Which is a good move for you. By the way, how is that skinny ass of yours now?"

Molly: "Shut up Nick."

Nick: "Still sore, then. Understandable. You're only little."

Molly: "Like I told you, this bullying is not ok. You know it's very cowardly what you did, ganging up on me with a group like that and outnumbering me when you wouldn't do it one on one."

Nick: "Ok."

This girl has no idea what I'm capable of, I could crush her with my little finger, Nick mused to herself while waiting for Molly to continue her tirade. Right enough, Molly's frustration was increasing. 

"And by the way," Molly went on, "thanks for that food you brought me earlier, but like, bread and water, seriously? Are you in training to be a kidnapper?"

"And by the way," Molly went on, "thanks for that food you brought me earlier, but like, bread and water, seriously? Are you in training to be a kidnapper?"

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Molly's exasperated with Nick

Sitting bolt upright in her bed now, Nick retorted: "Wait, what? I didn't bring you no food. I was going to do that tomorrow morning, remember?"

Molly: "That's true actually. I knew there was something strange going on. Because how could you have even got inside the school?"

Nick: "Molly, what time did this happen?"

Molly: "Like, 10pm I think."

Nick: "Think about it. The only person who could have got in that school at that time of night... apart from a burglar... is a teacher."

Molly's school miseryWhere stories live. Discover now